Thoron, Sylvie

Langues d'expression
Université de Toulon

Professeur, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (en 2014)

Sylvie Thoron ( is an economist and game theorist at the GREQAM in Marseille (France), a research centre in economics theory and econometrics. She is assistant professor at the University of Toulon (France) and member of the Institute for Public Economics in Marseille (France). She obtained her HdR, (Habilitation à diriger les recherches) at the EHESS in Paris. She recently spent a year as a visitor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and invited researcher in the Department of Economics at Princeton University. She belongs to the scientific committee of ECCOREV, an interdisciplinary federation of research centres working on environment. Her special interest is the formation of coalitions and economic agreements, in particular in the field of public economics. She is currently working on negotiations of environmental international agreements with a particular focus on the long process of negotiations on climate change. She is also the organizer of an interdisciplinary working group, GTI, interested in social interactions and rationality. She has been the organiser or co-organiser of several international conferences. She has published in major international economic journals and is also a referee for several of these.

References :

· «About the Heterogeneity of Countries in International Environmental Agreements. A discussion », in Roger Guesnerie and Henry Tulkens, Ed., The Design of Climate Policy, CESifo Seminar Series, Boston: The MIT Press 2008.

"Le doute scientifique n'exonère pas de la lutte contre le changement climatique", Le Monde Economie du 2 Mai 2007.

A Mechanism for Resolving Bargaining Impasses Between Risk-Averse Parties», with Emily Tanimura, Working Paper GREQAM n° 2008-31, presented at the third International Conference of the Game Theory Society.

«Sign then Ratify: Negotiating under Threshold Constraints », Working Paper GREQAM 2006-50, presented at the EAERE (European Association of Environment and Resources Economists in Bremen, July 2005, and at the conference MPSA (Midwest Political Science Association) in Chicago, March 2006.

