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Eleni Patatouka (Intervention)
DOI : 10.60527/k93c-f514
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Eleni Patatouka. CIST (FR2007). (2014, 27 mars). Mortgage Market and Regional Development in Greece - Eleni Patatouka (CIST2014) , in CIST2014 - 2e colloque international du CIST - 27&28 mars 2014. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 12 juin 2024)

Mortgage Market and Regional Development in Greece - Eleni Patatouka (CIST2014)

Réalisation : 27 mars 2014 - Mise en ligne : 4 septembre 2020
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2e colloque international du CIST, Paris, 27-28 mars 2014
Fronts et frontières des sciences du territoire / Frontiers and boundaries of territorial sciences- Session parallèle E-3 - Fractures territoriales

Intervention en anglais d'Eleni Patatouka (LADYSS / Université Paris 8 - National Technical University of Athens) sur "Mortgage Market and Regional Development in Greece: Peculiarities and Consequences".

This paper examines regional inequalities through the lens of the residential mortgage market in Greece, as an example of the South of Europe in the 2000s. It is commonly accepted that in recent years the financial deepening of economies has become one major dynamic that characterizes advanced economies, with the mortgage market constituting a great part of it (Sassen, 2009). This growing trend towards the financial system does not function in a space-neutral, homogeneous way, but one could detect spatial and social differentiations and inequalities across regions and multiple scales. In that context, certain regions have limited access to financial resources, while cities play a central role for real estate and mortgage market, with high property prices, and have become a major vehicle for the production of uneven development far beyond the local/city scale (Golubchikov, 2013). In a framework in which cities “may be conceived as places designed to maximize the interests of a small, powerful elite” (Aalbers, 2013), the “urbanisation” of the residential mortgage market will be discussed.

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Collège international des sciences du territoire / International College of Territorial Sciences (CIST)


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