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Markus Schuß (Intervention)
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Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle
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Markus Schuß. GDR-RSD. (2023, 22 juin). Markus Schuss - D-Cube: from EWSN dependability competition to an open benchmarking infrastructure. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 10 juin 2024)

Markus Schuss - D-Cube: from EWSN dependability competition to an open benchmarking infrastructure

Réalisation : 22 juin 2023 - Mise en ligne : 23 juin 2023
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Facilitating the comparison of the performance of protocols and systems powering today’s IoT solutions requires rigorous testing to obtain objective measurements to ensure that individual experiments did not just get a lucky run or perform well in only a single specific scenario. Further, to ensure the repeatability of the results, both the setup and execution of the experiment (as well as the environment in which the experiment is run) must be tightly controlled without the need for any in-depth knowledge of the setup or involvement of the experimenter.
Designed for a “one-off” competition in 2016, the D-Cube benchmarking infrastructure has been successfully used for a series of dependability competitions co-located with the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN). Instead of being a yearly competition open to a few registered participants, in 2020 D-Cube was opened as an open benchmark for low-power wireless protocols and systems to the public allowing researchers and practitioners from all over the world to employ its unique set of features to autonomously run experiments with a high degree of repeatability. This webinar will highlight D-Cube’s history and features, as well as provide an outlook on current developments.
