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Lars Andersson (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/rst6-k437
Citer cette ressource :
Lars Andersson. I_Fourier. (2014, 2 juillet). Lars Andersson - Symmetry operators and energies , in 2014. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 20 septembre 2024)

Lars Andersson - Symmetry operators and energies

Réalisation : 2 juillet 2014 - Mise en ligne : 6 juin 2016
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Black holes play a central role in general relativity and astrophysics. The problem of proving the dynamical stability of the Kerr black hole spacetime, which is describes a rotating black hole in vacuum, is one of the most important open problems in general relativity.Following a brief introduction to the evolution problem for theEinstein equations, I will give some background on geometry of the Kerr spacetime. Theanalysis of fields on the exterior of the Kerr black hole serve as important model problems for the black hole stability problem. I will discuss some of the difficulties one encounters in analyzing waves in the Kerr exteriorand how they can be overcome. A fundamentally important aspect of geometry and analysis in the Kerr spacetime is the fact that it is algebraically special, of Petrov type D, and therefore admits a Killing spinor of valence 2. I will introduce the 2 spinor and related formalisms which can be used to see how this structure leads to the Carter constant and the Teukolsky system. If there istime, I will discuss in this context some new conservation laws for fields of non zero spin.


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