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DOI : 10.60527/qf35-vt43
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LESTUDIUM. (2020, 3 décembre). Prof Régis Gougeon - Messages in a bottle: from oenolomics to the structural resolution of the transient chemistry of wine aging , in Exploring the molecular diversity of grape, a source of natural ingredients. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 2 juin 2024)

Prof Régis Gougeon - Messages in a bottle: from oenolomics to the structural resolution of the transient chemistry of wine aging

Réalisation : 3 décembre 2020 - Mise en ligne : 11 décembre 2020
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Metabolomicsapplied to vine and wine sciences, has significantly developed over the lastten years. To that respect, high-resolution mass spectrometry has clearly shownunprecedented capability based on ultra-high resolving power and massmeasurement accuracy. The introduction of the concept of oenolomics,exemplified by the metabologeographyexpression of cooperage oak wood in bottle-aged wines, further paved the wayfor breakthrough investigations of specific chemical fingerprints of wines,considered as transient molecular memories of vineyard-related environmentalparameters and/or enological practices, which may have driven their originalcomposition. We thus reported a remarkable and straightforward discriminationof wines according to either the level of SO2 added to the must at pressing, orthe type of stopper used at bottling, the latter being directly correlated todistinct oxygen ingresses during ageing. Through some examples, we will showhow high-resolution MS can decipher the extent of the yet-unknown chemistry ofwines or spirits. Wewill show in particular how sets of combined analytical strategies involvingmolecular and physico-chemical approaches can bring unprecedented molecularsignatures of dry white wines antioxidant metabolome.



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