Unruh, William G. (1945-....)

Date de naissance
En poste au département de physique et astronomie de l'université de Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (en 2007)

William G. Unruh (born August 28, 1945) is a Canadian physicist at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, who described the hypothetical Unruh effect in 1976. Unruh was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He obtained his B.Sc. from the University of Manitoba in 1967, followed by an M.A. (1969) and Ph.D. (1971) from Princeton University, New Jersey, under the direction of John Archibald Wheeler. Unruh has made seminal contributions to our understanding of gravity, black holes, cosmology, and quantum fields in curved spaces, including the discovery of what is now known as the Unruh effect. Unruh has contributed to the foundations of quantum mechanics in areas such as decoherence and the question of time in quantum mechanics. He has helped to clarify the meaning of nonlocality in a quantum context, in particular that quantum nonlocality does not follow from Bell's theorem and that ultimately quantum mechanics is a local theory. Unruh is also one of the main critics of the Afshar experiment.

Source: Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._G._Unruh)

Disciplines liées à ses interventions
