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DOI : 10.60527/svpn-zf56
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DRIIHM. (2021, 19 janvier). SAFE (Social Awareness for Environment in Estarreja). [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 2 juin 2024)

SAFE (Social Awareness for Environment in Estarreja)

Réalisation : 19 janvier 2021 - Mise en ligne : 22 septembre 2022
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From a chemical polluting and contaminating complex between the 1950s and 1990s, to the touristic reconstruction of wetlands once heavily impacted by toxic waste discharges and now beautifully called Bio Ria, the history of Estarreja is being rewritten. What remains from the industrial memory of the locality ? How do present-day views and voices speak of the city’s stories and everyday life ? What is the awareness of potential risks : does it exist or not ? From the factories to the magnificent flora, from the old workers to the generations of the future and some environmental awareness projects organised by the neighbouring university of Aveiro, the film presents a subjective and fragmented portrait of the situation as it is lived and perceived today.

Réalisation : GIONGO Carmem (Univ. Feevale, Brasil) et WATEAU Fabienne, LESC - CNRS/Univ. Paris Nanterre, France
Montage : PAOURI Arghyro, IIAC - CNRS/EHESS, France
Production : CNRS, LabEx DRIIHM, OHMi Estarreja, MSH Mondes-Nanterre, IIAC EHESS, LESC

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