Lieu de réalisation
Online - hosted by the University of Victoria (BC, Canada)
Langue :
Amandine PRAS (Organisation de l'évènement), Kelsey TAYLOR (Publication), Kirk MCNALLY (Organisation de l'évènement), Paul Thompson (Intervention), James Clemens-Seely (Intervention)
Conditions d'utilisation
Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle
DOI : 10.60527/0tw0-1v92
Citer cette ressource :
Paul Thompson, James Clemens-Seely. AFRINUM. (2020, 11 novembre). Roundtable discussion about Critical Listening and Technical Ear Training. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 2 juin 2024)

Roundtable discussion about Critical Listening and Technical Ear Training

Réalisation : 11 novembre 2020 - Mise en ligne : 22 janvier 2021
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
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Dr. Paul Thompson (Leeds-Beckett University, UK) and James Clemens-Seely (Banff Centre, Alberta) explore differing viewpoints on the benefits and limitations of using ‘Technical Ear Training’ (TET) modules to train as a sound engineer. Facilitated by Kelsey Taylor (University of Lethbridge, Alberta), this round table highlights Clemens-Seely’s teaching strategies that promote TET, and Thompson’s preference for other approaches of critical listening in a learning environment. Sharing pedagogical methods and audio education thoughts, the panelists address anti-education feelings in the audio industry and discuss to which extend TET can actually help audio students to create better music.  


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