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CNED - Distances et Médiations des Savoirs - Open University (Organisation de l'évènement), Ursula Stickler (Intervention), Melpomeni Papadopoulou (Intervention), Jane Helen Johnson (Intervention)
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Ursula Stickler, Melpomeni Papadopoulou, Jane Helen Johnson. CNED. (2022, 20 octobre). Transformation in teaching and learning - 01 - English , in Transformation des modes d’organisation du travail des enseignants, étudiants et personnels de soutien. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 2 juin 2024)

Transformation in teaching and learning - 01 - English

Réalisation : 20 octobre 2022 - Mise en ligne : 21 juin 2023
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
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A conference proposed and organised by Cned, DMS and The Open University.

Session chair : Ursula STICKLER

Covid crisis management in higher education in France: the case of distance learning
Speaker : Melpomeni PAPADOPOULOU
Co-author : Eva-Maria THUNE

From the classroom to a MOOC. University teachers' experiences compared
Speaker : Jane JOHNSON
Co-author : Carmelo CARUSO


This paper proposes an autobiography of the experience of lockdown. More specifically, I will analyze the training practices and distance coaching that have been set up by the professor researchers of a French department of educational sciences. The analysis of my experience as a university teacher, as well as the observations and discussions with colleagues in the department during the lockdown, will allow me to work on distance education during the Covid-19 pandemic. The experiences during Covid-19 will provide some insight into the evolution of the role of new technologies in adults’ training. Following the presentation of the Covid-19 context in Greece and France, I will focus on the transformations in the academic world. I will first treat the implementation of distance learning within my team and the knowledge acquired in this particular context. I will conclude with a reflection on these transformations at the global level. 


Cet article propose une autobiographie de l'expérience de l'enfermement. Plus précisément, j'analyserai les pratiques de formation et d'accompagnement à distance qui ont été mises en place par les enseignants chercheurs d'un département français de sciences de l'éducation. L'analyse de mon expérience d'enseignante universitaire, ainsi que les observations et discussions avec les collègues du département pendant le lockdown, me permettront de travailler sur la formation à distance pendant la pandémie Covid-19. Les expériences vécues lors du Covid-19 permettront de comprendre l'évolution du rôle des nouvelles technologies dans la formation des adultes. Après la présentation du contexte du Covid-19 en Grèce et en France, je me concentrerai sur les transformations dans le monde universitaire. Je traiterai d'abord de la mise en place de la formation à distance au sein de mon équipe et des connaissances acquises dans ce contexte particulier. Je terminerai par une réflexion sur ces transformations au niveau mondial.

This article explores the experience of contributors to a MOOC designed mainly for university students. Following the Covid pandemic, university lecturers have been forced to adapt their traditional courses and lecture style in order to continue teaching. This has involved a sudden shift to video conferencing platforms and the transformation of the format of learning objects. Teaching staff have rapidly had to become familiar with new technologies and teaching strategies. However most had never been involved in creating asynchronous online courses. A departmental research group designed a MOOC which will award university credits to users completing it. An initial survey to assess willingness to be involved revealed considerable interest among teaching staff, with over 30 people (including almost 50% of the department lecturers) proposing content. Throughout the design and production process, the drop-out rate remains low. Teaching staff remain keen to contribute to the MOOC. We hypothesize that the recent disruption caused by the pandemic has meant that teaching staff are more open to new methods of teaching, and this will affect their approach to the design process in the future. Through the use of surveys to evaluate contributors’ attitudes, experience and knowledge, we focus on the connections between traditional F2F teaching, online teaching and asynchronous teaching via MOOC, as well as highlighting lessons for both contributors and organisers.

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