Lieu de réalisation
Institut d’Etudes Europénnes - Recherche et Etudes en Politique Internationale
Langue :
Jean-Christophe Besset (Réalisation), LabexMed (Production), Matteo Capasso (Intervention)
Conditions d'utilisation
DOI : 10.60527/44wm-d469
Citer cette ressource :
Matteo Capasso. LabexMed. (2019, 20 septembre). Enemies of the Revolution: Violence, Fear and Surveillance under ‘al Jamahiriyah’ , in Mémoire(s) et circulation de la Mémoire en Méditerranée. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 2 juin 2024)

Enemies of the Revolution: Violence, Fear and Surveillance under ‘al Jamahiriyah’

Réalisation : 20 septembre 2019 - Mise en ligne : 14 octobre 2019
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
  • niveau 1 niveau 2 niveau 3

This paper draws on the collection of oral histories on the everyday lives of Libyans during the Libyan Arab al-Jamahiriyah. Being part of a larger research on the everyday lives, it engages with two main axis of research that came about in relation to memories of fear, surveillance and violence. In particular, it explores how such modalities of political interaction became dominant in society and within domestic spaces. While showing how the formation of a ‘culture of fear’ took place through a capillary control of the public and private sphere of the everyday life (creating a sort of mukhabarat state), it also shows how fear as an emotional state passed from fathers to son, as a generational state that marked and shaped society.


Panel 4: Mémoires et récits de peur et violence au quotidien 

Discutant : Christian Olsson (REPI-ULB, Bruxelles)




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