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Université de Bordeaux - Service Audiovisuel et Multimédia (Publication), Université de Bordeaux - Service Audiovisuel et Multimédia (Réalisation), Université de Bordeaux (Production), Catherine BENNETAU (Organisation de l'évènement), Alain Badoc (Intervention)
Conditions d'utilisation
Creative Commons (BY NC)
DOI : 10.60527/ywwd-0441
Citer cette ressource :
Alain Badoc. Univ Bordeaux. (2017, 16 octobre). Poaceae or Grasses. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 10 juin 2024)

Poaceae or Grasses

Réalisation : 16 octobre 2017 - Mise en ligne : 19 juillet 2019
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Poaceae or Grasses are cosmopolitan. It is the first plant family by the spaces it covers: rice fields, cereal fields (Corn, Wheat), meadows, alpine and urban lawns, steppes, savannas, bamboo forests, reed beds (rich in reeds). Lawns are often mainly composed of Poaceae.

It is the second family in number of species among Monocotyledons after Orchids. Poaceae contain 780 genera and about 12,000 species, 350 of which are in France, making them the second best represented family after Asteraceae or  Compositae.

But this family is above all the most important for man economically.

The 4 main crops in the world are sugar cane (20% of the total mass produced in agriculture, mainly in Brazil and India), wheat (China, India, Russia, USA), rice (China, India), corn (USA, China, Brazil), all of which are Poaceae. In the world's top 12 crops, square barley and sorghum are still found. Cultivated Poaceae occupy 70% of the world's arable land.

The Poaceae are at the origin of the emergence of civilizations: Wheat in the Mediterranean Basin,Corn in South and Central America, Rice in Asia, Millet in Africa.

The Poaceae constitute a homogeneous family, with clear characters. It will therefore be easy to recognize that a plant is part of it, but much more difficult to determine which species it is!

The film was shot at the Botanical Garden of the University of Bordeaux.





Avec les mêmes intervenants et intervenantes