Langue :
FILMED (Réalisation), Albert Gelet (Intervention), Dominique Cathignol (Intervention), Jean-Yves Chapelon (Intervention), Jacqueline Margorani (Intervention)
Conditions d'utilisation
Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle
DOI : 10.60527/gd9k-yv33
Citer cette ressource :
Albert Gelet, Dominique Cathignol, Jean-Yves Chapelon, Jacqueline Margorani. Canal-U-Médecine. (1992, 1 janvier). Treatment of dunning R3327 prostatic adenocarcinoma in rats by ablatherm , in Film.. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 18 septembre 2024)

Treatment of dunning R3327 prostatic adenocarcinoma in rats by ablatherm

Réalisation : 1 janvier 1992 - Mise en ligne : 26 juin 2008
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
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The experimental Dunning R 3327 prostatic adenocarcinoma is developped in Fisher/Copenhague hybrid rats. The Mat-Ly Lu subline is the most agressive : approximately 20 days after subcutaneous inoculation, the animal presents a large tumor associated with multiple metastases which provoke death. The ablatherm is an extracorporal treatment device which generates high energy focused ultrasounds. It is made up of a shot device (which includes a 7,5 KW amplifier, a pulse generator, a frequency generator and a 1 MHz transducer), a localization device (which includes a strereotaxic arm and an ultrasound) and a computer for both shots and device movements control. The dunning tumors are irradited 5 to 7 days after inoculation. Focused ultrasound absobtion by the tumor leads to partial or total destruction of the tumor by a mechanism which associates hyperthermia and cavitation. In rats treated with success (total destruction to the tumour), we can see a progressive disappearance of the tumor with no local recurrence. Some animals develop distant metastases but others show a long term survival with to local recurrence. Some animals develop distant metastases but others show a long term survival with no detectable metastases. In certain conditions, the Ablatherm could destruct the Dunning R 3327 May-Ly Lu adenocarcinoma and il could also cure the animal whith no adjuvant therapy.




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