Lieu de réalisation
Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 54 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris, France
Langues :
Français, Russe
Richard FILLON (Réalisation), Aygun EYYUBOVA (Réalisation), FMSH-ESCoM (Production), Димитрий Ю. Озерков (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/p6wb-p650
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Димитрий Ю. Озерков. FMSH. (2008, 6 juin). Musée de l’Ermitage dans l’histoire du collectionnisme en Russie , in OZERKOV Dimitri. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. https://doi.org/10.60527/p6wb-p650. (Consultée le 19 septembre 2024)

Musée de l’Ermitage dans l’histoire du collectionnisme en Russie

Réalisation : 6 juin 2008 - Mise en ligne : 8 octobre 2008
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Chercheur en histoire de l’art et en philosophie (PhD), conservateur de l'estampe française des XV-XVIIIe siècles et directeur du projet d’art contemporain « Ermitage 20/21 » au musée de l’Ermitage (Saint-Petersbourg, Russie), Dimitri OZERKOV représente une figure insolite dans le monde actuel de l’art russe. Il est connu pour ses nombreuses publications sur l'art classique et contemporain et est à l’origine de plusieurs expositions. Dans cet entretien, il nous explique que la notion d’art contemporain à l’Ermitage, un des plus grands musées du monde, n’est pas si nouvelle. En effet, elle remonte à l’histoire du collectionnisme en Russie, enraciné dès le XVIIIe siècle et encouragé par l’engouement de la tsarine de Russie Catherine II, qui rassemblait des collections d’art classique et d’art contemporain européens. Sous le régime soviétique, l’art contemporain considéré comme « art bourgeois », « art capitaliste » fut mis à l’index. Le projet « Ermitage 20/21 » a pour objectif de raviver l'ancienne tradition de l'art contemporain à l'Ermitage. L’estampe française, fortement représentée dans les immenses collections de Catherine II, est l’objet des recherches menées par Dimitri Ozerkov dans le cadre d’un programme d’études à la FMSH. L’ouverture d’esprit et la forte curiosité intellectuelle de Dimitri Ozerkov contribuent à la diversité de ses thèmes d'étude. Ainsi, en plus de ses thèmes de recherche principaux, il étudie un sujet peu ordinaire qui est celui des rêves et du sommeil, de leur représentation dans les arts et la littérature. Dimitri Ozerkov y consacrera une exposition en 2009.




PhD magna cum laude, faculty of philosophy, St.Petersburg State University: Problem of the Visual Form in aesthetics and art ot the 1 st third of the 20 th century


BA with honours degree, St.Petersburg State University, art history and history: Landscape in Spanish Art of the 17 th century: limits of the genre


certificate with honours degree of the Spanish gymnasia (secondary school of highest grade) of St.Petersburg



Professional experience


Senior Curator of French prints of 15 th–18 th centuries, State Hermitage Museum, Department of Western European Art


Head of “Hermitage 20/21” project for Contemporary art, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg


Professor, University of culture, St.Petersburg


Acting Head of Print Room, Hermitage Museum


Professor, IMARS (International MA in Russian Studies), European University at St. Petersburg



Curated exhibitions

February 2008

Chuck Close: Seven Portraits / Hermitage Museum

October 2007

USA Today: New American art from Saatchi gallery (with Norman Rosenthal) / Hermitage Museum

November 2006

The Triumph of Eros. Art and Seduction in 18 th-century France / Hermitage Rooms at Somerset House and Courtauld Institute of Art, London

March 2006

Ecole de l’Amour: French Prints of the Gallant Age / Hermitage Museum

September 2005

Zero Rubles (Coincidentia oppositorum) by Kirill Shamanov / Pro Arte Institute

February 2004

Hypnerotomacchia: new graphic works of Vladimir Gizatullin / Dr.Freud's Dream Museum, St.Petersburg

November 2003

Bill Viola and Shirin Neshat at the Hermitage / Hermitage Museum

October 2003

Eduardo Chillida: Silent Music / Hermitage Museum

September 2003

Joulun Lapsi: European prints of 15 th–18 th centuries from the collection of the Hermitage Museum (with Arkady Ippolitov) / Lahti Art Museum, Finland

February 14, 2002

"Love.txt": multimedial performance / Educational Center of Hermitage Museum

February 2002

Ma(g/n)ia ornamenti: graphic works of Vladimir Gizatullin / Dr.Freud's Dream Museum, St.Petersburg

November 2001

Uralphabet: Photographies by Konstantin Vodjanitskij / Hall for Exhibitions of the New World of Art, art magazine, St.Petersburg

December 2000

Christ Child: European prints of 15 th–18 th centuries from the collection of the Hermitage Museum (with Arkady Ippolitov) / Hermitage Museum



Lectures and seminars

May, 2007

Hermitage 20/21 project for Contemporary art / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

February, 2007

Can one buy Contemporary Art? / Modern and Contemporary Russian Art Week, Sotheby’s, London


Utopia & Identity: Russian Art of the 20th century / International MA in Russian Studies, European University in St.Petersburg

October, 2006

French Prints of 16 th–18 th centuries. Problems of research / Hermitage Museum

December, 2005

Art comme langue universelle / Séminaire du Centre Russe, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris

April, 2005

Main Tendences in Contemporary Art / Pro Arte Institute and Interstudio, St.Petersburg: International Educational Program on Management in Culture


"Revolutionary" artists of the 20 th century / Cycle of 10 conferences at the Educational Center of Hermitage Museum


Art History, general course / University of culture, St.Petersburg

February, 2002

Abstraction in Spain at the 20 th century / Pro Arte Institute and the Inzhenernyj Castle, St.Petersburg


Actual Art / 4 semesters, Educational Center of Hermitage Museum


Symposiums and academic conferences

May, 2007

Cultural Heritage and Identity: Continuity, Tensions, Contradictions. Ameurus Conference / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

September 2006

The Museum and the Art Market / Hermitage Museum and Pro Arte Institute

June 2006

New Jerusalems: The Translation of Sacred Spaces in Christian Culture. New Jerusalem and Moscow

October 2005

Europa Arkadien – J.Ph.Hackert und die Imagination Europas um 1800 / Historischen Seminar der Universitaet Basel, am Gut Boldevitz, Rügen

June 2005

Intelectual Landscape of Russian Science and Culture of the 1st Third of 20 th century: 3 rd Summer School / Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU), Moscow

April 2005

Conference Visuality II / Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU), Moscow

February 2005

Italian Art of the 20 th century, International conference / Hermitage Museum

November 2003

Video Art, International conference / Hermitage Museum

March 2002

Real and Virtual World of the New Millenium, 4 th International conference / St.Petersburg State University

March 2002

Abstraction in Russia: ways and fortunes, International conference / State Russian Museum, St.Petersburg

October 2001

Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Art: Louise Bourgeois, International conference / Hermitage Museum

November 2000

Wien und St.Petersburg um die Jahrhundertwende(n): kulturelle Interferenzen, International symposium / St.Petersburg State University and Österreichliche Bibliothek

April 2000

Cervantes, 23 th colloquium / Institute of Russian Literature, Pushkin House, St.Petersburg

December 1999

20 th Century Art. Achievements, Traditions and Innovations, International conference / Hermitage Museum

April 1997

Style and Stylization, colloquium / St.Petersburg State University



  1. Russian contacts of Jakob Philipp Hackert , in : Europa Arkadien – J . Ph . Hackert und die Imagination Europas um 1800. Historischen Seminar der Universit ä t Basel , 2008 ( in print )
  2. La bibliothèque d’architecture de Catherine II: premières observations, in: « Bibliotheque d’architecture / Architectural library ». Sous la direction scientifique d’Olga Medvedkova. INHA et Alain Baudry et Cie. Paris, 2008 (in print)
  3. Chuck Close: Grids and Faces, in: Chuck Close: Seven Portraits. Exh. cat. St. Petersburg, Hermitage Museum, 2008, p. 21-23, 62-64.
  4. Bottega to Ortega: from Humanism to Dehumanization and backwards // Artchronika, 4/2008, p. 85-93.
  5. Catherine II et les Loges de Volpato. In: Giovanni Volpato: Les Loges de Raphaël et la Galerie du Palais Farnèse. Sous la direction d’Annie Gilet. Exh. cat. Musée des beaux-arts, Tours, Silvana Editoriale, 2007, p. 75-85
  6. “Naimaly” (“The Very Smalls”): Research of the Universal Language in Art of the 1 st third of the 20 th century // Russkaja Antropologicheskaja Shkola (Papers of the Russian Anthropological School), Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU), Vol. 4/1, Moscow, 2007, p. 247-363
  7. How contemporary is contemporary art in the Hermitage? Putting it into perspective // The Museum and the Art Market: International Symposium Proceedings, 14–16 September 2006. St. Petersburg, The State Hermitage Publishers, 2007, p. 79-83, 165-168
  8. America in Our Hearts, in: USA Today: New American Art from Saatchi gallery. Exh. cat. St. Petersburg, Hermitage Museum, 2007, p. 14-16, 176-177.
  9. Prints after Le Brun’s ‘Triumphs of Alexander’. Entries to: Alexander the Great: The Road to the East. Exh. cat. St. Petersburg, Hermitage Museum, 2007, p. 408-417
  10. Kaksi harvinaista gravyyria Mary Coswayn töistä [Two rare prints after Mary Cosway]. In: Naisten salonki: 1700-luvun eurooppalaisia naistaiteilijoita. Exh. cat. Helsinki, Sinebrychoffin taidemuseo, 2007, p. 199-205; 217; English summary on p. 233
  11. “Oeuvre de Perelle” in the Hermitage collection of view and landscape prints // Plantomania: the Russian Variant. Materials of the 12 th conference in Tsarskoe Selo. St. Petersburg, 2006, p. 288-303
  12. The Triumph of Eros. Art and Seduction in 18 th-century France. Exh. cat. London, Hermitage Rooms at Somerset House and Courtauld Institute of Art, 2006. – 144 p.
  13. The "Iliad": A history of translation and illustration in modern times. In: Homer, Iliad, St. Petersburg, Vita Nova publishers, 2006, p. 640-652; http://www.vitanova.ru/static/catalog/books/booksp108.html
  14. Ecole de l’Amour: French prints of 18 th century. Exh. cat. Hermitage Museum, 2006. – 208 p.
  15. The pupil of Cupid: the main heroine of the gallant century. In: Early Music Magazine 2006, p. 8-9
  16. Un trésor de l’érotisme au muse de l’Ermitage // Supérieur Inconnu, No. 3 Janvier-Juin 2006, p. 27-30
  17. Education of Cupid: French prints of the gallant century from the State Hermitage collection // Hermitage Magazine, No. 3, 2006, p. 26-28
  18. Flourishing Cross: A Hierotopical Motif in Jerusalem, Rome, and Russia / New Jerusalems: The Translation of Sacred Spaces in Christian Culture. Material from the International Symposium. Moscow, 2006. p. 82-87
  19. Visual Form and Word: Problematic of Translation in 1890–1930 // Russkaja Antropologicheskaja Shkola (Papers of the Russian Anthropological School), Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU), Vol. 3, Moscow, 2005, p. 11-152
  20. Aiti Maria Pariisilaisen maailma [Drawings of Mother Maria] // Ikoni maalari, No. 1, Helsinki, 2005, p. 78-83
  21. Futuro Proximo // Stil Zhizni, Spring, [2005], p. 9
  22. Intelligently made: the Scandinavian design // Stil Zhizni, Spring, [2005], p. 26-28
  23. “Zero Rubles” by Kirill Shamanov / Contemporary Art in Traditional Museum. Festival Magazine, No. 5, 2005. St. Petersb urg , Pro Arte Institute, p. 7-8
  24. Ignorance as research device. A quotation from Goblet d'Alviella's "Hierography" // Festschrift für Ivan Czeczot. St. Petersb urg, 2004, p.   42-54
  25. New Sculpture [On Works by Vladimir Sverdlov] // Forma, 2004, Spring, p. 51-54; www.rudesign.ru/interior/articles/new_sculp/ new_sculp.htm
  26. Turbulent [by Shirin Neshat] // Bill Viola and Shirin Neshat at the State Hermitage Museum. Exh. cat. St. Petersburg, 2003, p. 27-35
  27. Eduardo Chillida and the Russian Formgefühl // Chillida: Silent Music. Exh. cat. Museo Chillida-Leku & Hermitage Museum, 2003, p. 10-15
  28. Joulun Lapsi. Lansieurooppalaista grafiikkaa 1400-luvulta 1700-luvulle Valtion Eremitaasin kokoelmista. Exh. cat. Lahti, Lahden taidemuseo, 2003 (with Arcady Ippolitov). – 96 p.
  29. Laurits Regner Tuxen (1853–1927) // Art & Times, 2003, special issue, p. 24-26
  30. Commentaries // Birth of a city: photographies by Andrey Terebenin and Dmitry Sirotkin. St. Petersburg, 2003, p.   44-47
  31. Spectator as ballast // www.arteria.ru/09_05_2003_2.htm
  32. Alchemy of stroke [works by Konstantin Kalinovitch] // Art & Times, 2003, No. 2 (7)
  33. Problem of the Visual Form in aesthetics and art ot the 1 st third of the 20 th century. Abstracts of PhD. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University, 2003. – 24 p.
  34. Visual Form in the European art of the 20 th century: questions of theory and practice // Gumanitarnoe issledovanije: istorija, teorija, praktika. Collectes Papers. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University, 2003, p.   54-58
  35. Visual Form in the European art around 1900 // Real and Virtual World of the New Millenium. Abstracts of the 4 th International Conference. St.Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg, 2002, p. 222-224
  36. Nikolaj Punine, the photographer (Deus et photographia conservant omnia) // PChP (Peterburgskij Chas Pik), 2002, No. 52 (258)
  37. Bank Art. Review on Deutsche Bank Exhibition in the Hermitage Museum // PChP, 2002, No. 38 (244)
  38. “Ice Eden” by Georgy Ostretsov / Contemporary Art in Traditional Museum. Festival Magazine, No. 2, 2001. St. Petersburg, Pro Arte Institute, p. 9
  39. “Defining the ‘Block’ Number within the Limits of the General Number of Russian Literature as a Part of the General World Number” by Dmitry Alexandrovich Prigov / Contemporary Art in Traditional Museum. Festival Magazine, No. 2, 2001. St. Petersburg, Pro Arte Institute, p. 11-12
  40. “Mythological Anatomy” by Maria Zaborovskaya and Nick Barabanov / Contemporary Art in Traditional Museum. Festival Magazine, No. 2, 2001. St. Petersburg, Pro Arte Institute, p. 17
  41. “Human Nets” by Rustem Gallyamov / Contemporary Art in Traditional Museum. Festival Magazine, No. 2, 2001. St. Petersburg, Pro Arte Institute, p. 19-20
  42. “Sapiens or a Syntopic Web” by Igor Zakharov-Ross / Contemporary Art in Traditional Museum. Festival Magazine, No. 2, 2001. St. Petersburg, Pro Arte Institute, p. 22-24
  43. “Life with a Length of 2000 Meters” by Alexey Kostroma / Contemporary Art in Traditional Museum. Festival Magazine, No. 2, 2001. St. Petersburg, Pro Arte Institute, p. 25-26
  44. “Portrait in a Moving Frame” by Anton Olshwang / Contemporary Art in Traditional Museum. Festival Magazine, No. 2, 2001. St. Petersburg, Pro Arte Institute, p. 34-36
  45. Uralphabet [Photographies by Konstantin Vodjanitskij] // NWA (New World of Art), 2001, No. 6 (23)
  46. Pro chto? / What it looks like? The 2 nd festival 'Contemporary art in traditional museum' // NWA, 2001, No. 4 (21)
  47. 11 Levels About Art: The 2 nd festival 'Contemporary art in traditional museum' // PChP, 2001, No. 32 (186)
  48. Don't say 'Hello' to Jurgen Klauke // Russian Journal, www.russ.ru/culture/vystavka/20010914_ht.html
  49. Sigmar Polke: there are only four stories // NWA, 2001, No. 3 (20)
  50. Millenium in Europe 2 // NWA, 2001, No. 2 (19)
  51. The Vision of God as a Problem of Vision: El Greco // PChP, 2001, No. 39 (193)
  52. Iconolatry and Iconoclasm (review on two exhibitions: ‘Malevitch’ in Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, and Bildersturm: ‘Wahnsinn oder Gottes Wille’ in Historisches Museum, Bern) // PChP, 2001, No. 4 (158)
  53. Mikhail Chemiakine. The carnival of St. Petersburg // Soobschenija Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha, t. LIX. St. Petersburg, 2001, p. 130
  54. Christ Child: European prints of 15 th–18 th centuries from the collection of the Hermitage Museum. Exh. cat. St. Petersburg, 2000 (with Arcady Ippolitov). – 80 p.
  55. Visual Form in the art of the 20 th century. Abstract // Iskusstvoznanije, No. 1, Moscow, 2000, p. 641
  56. An artificial nature: Spanish landscape of the 17 th century // Metaphysical Investigations, No. 13 ("Art"). St.Petersburg, Alet heia, 2000, p.   136-203
  57. Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie travels to Holy Russia // NWA, 2000, #4 (15)
  58. Andy Warhol versus Ivan Ajwazovskij // PChP, 2000, No. 42 (145)
  59. The propaganda of misfortune. Review of the exhibition in the Manège, St.Petersburg // PChP, 2000, No. 34 (137)
  60. That's me who choice the culture, or that's culture which choices me? // PChP, 2000, No. 26 (129)
  61. Europe in Spring (Millenium 1) // NWA, 2000, No. 3 (14)
  62. Truth vs Visibility: meditations on photography // NWA, 2000, No. 3 (14)
  63. Sigmund Freud as a Cultural Epoch. Review on the exhibition "Freud: Conflict & Culture", Wien // NWA, 2000, No. 2 (13)
  64. The Phenomenology of Point in the 1920s // NWA, 2000, No. 1 (12)
  65. The Battle for Reality // NWA, 2000, No. 1 (12)
  66. The Visual Form in the Art of the 20 th century: Theories and Practics // 20 th Century Art. Achievements, Traditions and Innovations. Papers of the Conference at the Hermitage Museum. St.Petersburg, 1999, p.   107-109
  67. When one is photographing nature: Landscapes of Igor Bryakilev // NWA, 1999, No. 5 (10)
  68. The Name as Flag: Artist's Name in Contemporary Art // NWA, 1999, No. 4 (9)
  69. The Hermitage Museum as a Studio // NWA, 1999, No. 3 (8)
  70. The Scheme of the Truth or the Truth about Schemes // NWA, 1999, No. 2 (7)
  71. Russian Avantgarde as a Non-Russian Phenomena // NWA, 1999, No. 1 (6)
  72. Eduardo Chillida: categories // NWA, 1999, No. 1 (6)
  73. The Magi: Legend of the Three Wise Men // NWA, 1998, No. 5
  74. Creative activity of Joan Miro: 1947-1983 // NWA, 1998, No. 4

  75. Scientific research in Dresden, Moscow and St.Petersburg for the project Kunsttransfer – Die deutsch-russischen Kulturbeziehungen seit dem 17. Jahrhundert, 2006–2007
  76. Scientific research on architecture for Cinema and the Context: An Encyclopaedia, 8 vols., St.Petersburg, 2002–2004
  77. Scientific research on prints illustrating Ovid’s Metamorphoses for the new edition (Vita Nova publishers, 2003)
  78. Translation of A Short History of the Shadow by Victor I. Stoichita (Reaktion Books, 1997) from English to Russian (St.Petersburg, Machina Publishers, 2004. – 269 p.)