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DOI : 10.60527/32k7-jy94
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AU. (2020, 27 janvier). [COLLOQUE] GENTREE Final Conference 27-31 January 2020 séance 19 , in GENTREE Scientific Conference - Genetics to the rescue : managing forests sustainably in a changing world. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 19 septembre 2024)

[COLLOQUE] GENTREE Final Conference 27-31 January 2020 séance 19

Réalisation : 27 janvier 2020 - Mise en ligne : 27 janvier 2020
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GENTREE Final Conference :

Cathleen PETIT-CAILLEUX - INRAE Avignon · France

GENTREE Final Conference 'Genetics to the rescue - managing forests sustainably in a changing environment'

27-31 January 2020, Avignon, France

Cathleen PETIT-CAILLEUX - INRAE Avignon · France : How geneticvariability can reduce Fagus sylvatica's vulnerability to climatechange.

Intra-specific diversity plays a key role in species' response toclimate change (CC) and their ability to adapt locally throughplastic response and/or response to selection.

However, the CCvelocity is likely to exceed the natural adaptation potential of mostspecies and populations. One solution is to use assisted migration tobring genetic diversity from a region already subject to the expectedfuture climate and therefore able to survive in the new region.

Objective: We investigate how the consideration of existingintra-specific variability (due to local adaptation and toplasticity) affects the past and future prediction of vulnerabilityin beech.

Methods: We used CASTANEA, a process-based model, able tosimulate carbon and water fluxes for different species, to assess thevulnerability of beech stands across Europe.

The simulation designinclude several climatic scenarios of the past and the future underCC, with or without within-stand trait variability, and one withassisted migration (allowing the whole range off variationeverywhere).

We accounted for the genetic variability in three majoradaptive traits:

-(1) the date of budburst (TBB), related tovulnerability to late frosts,

-(2) the percentage of loss ofconductance (PLC), related to vulnerability to cavitation and

-(3)water use efficiency (WUE), related to vulnerability to carbonstarvation.

Results: We found that the vulnerability of the optimalaverage tree in a stand with trait variation is lower than that ofstands without variation.

In addition, with intra-specificvariability, the species distribution is larger, especially in thesouth of Europe.

Finally, in the future under CC, migrated trees areable to grow under conditions further north of the area andcontribute to reduce the expected vulnerability without assistedmigration.

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