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DOI : 10.60527/q8mr-4a71
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AU. (2020, 27 janvier). [COLLOQUE] GENTREE Final Conference 27-31 January 2020 séance 6 , in GENTREE Scientific Conference - Genetics to the rescue : managing forests sustainably in a changing world. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 21 septembre 2024)

[COLLOQUE] GENTREE Final Conference 27-31 January 2020 séance 6

Réalisation : 27 janvier 2020 - Mise en ligne : 27 janvier 2020
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GENTREE Final Conference :

Martin LASCOUX - Uppsala University · Sweden

GENTREE Final Conference 'Genetics to the rescue - managing forests sustainably in a changing environment'

27-31 January 2020, Avignon, France

Martin LASCOUX - Uppsala University · Sweden : Comparativedemography of seven tree species across Europe

The last multi-species, large scale, attempt to characterize geneticvariation and past demography of forest tree species is already morethan sixteen year old (Petit et al. 2003).

This survey, based onchloroplast DNA markers, unravelled a large diversity of patterns inthe distribution of genetic diversity among species: some species,like birch, exhibited little genetic structure while others, likeoaks showed a structure that could readily be interpreted in terms ofrefugia from the last glacial. However, the data being based on alimited number of markers in non-recombining DNA, were not welladapted to conduct a more quantitative assessment of past demographyor to study local adaptation.

In the present study we used exomecapture to re-sequence seven tree species sampled across Europe,three conifers and four broadleaves.

The number of individuals perspecies varied from 500 to 600, with at least 20 populations and 25individuals per population.

The exome capture comprised a common setof orthologs thereby facilitating comparisons across species.Phenotypic and environmental data were collected in all populations.

In all species, and in contrast to what was observed with cpDNA, aclear genetic structure was recovered. This data will be discussed inrelation to past climatic events and local adaptation.

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