1- Forests and carbon, between science, policy and markets
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Véra Ehrenstein
Titre vidéo : Forests and carbon, between science, policy and markets
Thèmes : carbone forestier, économie, politique, marchés, études
Bio : Vera Ehrenstein is a full-time researcher in the socilogy of science and technology at the CNRS. She is based at the CEMS (Centre d’études des mouvements sociaux. Véra’s research explores the politics of climate change, with a focus on carbon markets, forest governance and low carbon innovation. Her work on the topic has been published in Economy and Society and the Journal of Cultural Economy.
Description intervention : It may sound obvious that public policies must be grounded on solid scientific knowledge. And if this knowledge is not yet sufficiently advanced, research should be accelerated (and received appropriate fundings). Things are not that simple and easy, even with such a critical question than carbon, net zero policy, and markets.
Dr Vera Ehrenstein invites us to think about these issues in the specific context of studying the roles of forests in mitigating global warming.
Avec les mêmes intervenants et intervenantes
2 - Forests and carbon, between science, policy and markets - Q/R
EhrensteinVéraForests and carbon, between science, policy and markets - Intervenante : Véra EHRENSTEIN, Chargée de recherche au CNRS en sciences sociales à l’EHESS