1- La séquestration de carbone dans les sols agricoles : un levier d’atténuation du changement climatique ?
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Titre vidéo : La séquestration de carbone dans les sols agricoles : un levier d’atténuation du changement climatique ?
Thèmes : sol, agriculture, agricole, carbone
Bio : Sylvain PELLERIN is senior scientist at the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE). His research is about the relationship between agricultural activity and carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus biogeochemical cycles at several embedded spatial scales, including the global scale. He has published 110 papers in international journals and supervised 20 PhD students. He has coordinated two expertise for the French government about mitigation of greenhouse gases emissions in the agricultural sector and potential for additional carbon storage in soils. He is deputy head of the AgroEcoSystem scientific division of INRAE, and deputy director of a Metaprogram on adaptation of agriculture and forest to climate change and their contribution to mitigation. He is also a member of the French Academy of Agriculture.
Description intervention : The controversy about the 4 per 1000 initiative has emphasized the need for a quantitative assessment of the C storage potential of agricultural soils. Moreover a clear distinction is required between the biophysically and the economically achievable potentials. Here we used a modelling approach at a fine spatial-scale resolution (< 8 km2) to quantify the additional C storage in agricultural soils of mainland France following the implementation, when feasible, of a range of soil C storing practices (i.e. cover crops, reduced tillage, new C inputs, grazing instead of mowing,…)
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2 - La séquestration de carbone dans les sols agricoles : un levier d’atténuation du changement cli…
PellerinSylvainLa séquestration de carbone dans les sols agricoles : un levier d’atténuation du changement climatique ? - Intervenant : Sylvain PELLERIN, Directeur de recherche INRAE Bordeaux