Managing biodiversity - Introduction
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Ecosystem services are today a very used approach to characterise the life contributions to the well-being of the humanity. Many strategies are deployed to preserve this biodiversity. But in a context of global change, we have firstly to conserve its progressive potential. In order to entertain those reflections and those action plans, the researchers mobilise more and more programmes of participative sciences.
Dans la même collection
EN-1. Different issues of protecting biodiversity
CouvetDenisDenis Couvet presents the reasons that the biodiversity preservation makes sense: its inherent value, the functionality of ecosystems, and its progressive potential. In a second phase, he proposes a
EN-9. The future of biodiversity: the need of managing the biological evolution
RobertAlexandreOn the basis of a reminder of the main factors supporting the biological evolution, Alexandre Robert presents some major and future orientations of the strategies of biodiversity preservation: the
EN-4. Strategies for protection of threatened species
SarrazinFrançoisFrançois Sarrazin focuses on the different strategies which can be used to preserve the endangered species. He firstly comes back to some factors of risk (climate, extinction, vortex), and to some
EN-7. Participatory sciences and biodiversity management
FontaineColinColin Fontaine presents the interest and the functioning of the participatory sciences measures for the biodiversity. He evidences their benefits, for the scientists as well as for the observers, and
EN-2. Biodiversity and ecosystem services
CouvetDenisOn the basis of the 2005 Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, Denis Couvet defines the main categories of ecosystem services: support services, supply services, control services and cultural services. He
EN-5. Ordinary biodiversity: issues, protection
CouvetDenisDenis Couvet talks about the ordinary biodiversity, that is the biodiversity around us, which represents 80% of the world species. He proposes an overview of the condition of this biodiversity,
EN-8. How can society and biodiversity be reconcilied
CouvetDenisDenis Couvet presents an analysis framework which enables to better reconcile the human development of the biodiversity preservation. He explains the conditions of such a perspective and shows the
EN-3. Biodiversity management strategies facing direct pressures
CouvetDenisDenis Couvet proposes several strategies of biodiversity management, to meet the direct pressures the biodiversity is subjected to (destruction, overexploitation, ecotoxicity, invasive species,
EN-6. Biomonitoring
CasasStellioStellio Casas presents the biomonitoring. This tool of biodiversity management can be used for the different biological levels of the life. It leads to the identification of bioaccumulators,
2. Biodiversité et services écosystémiques
CouvetDenisSur la base des travaux du Millenium Ecosystem Assessment de 2005, Denis Couvet définit les grandes catégories de services écosystémiques : services de support, services d'approvisionnement, services
5. Biodiversité ordinaire : enjeux, préservation
CouvetDenisDenis Couvet s'intéresse à la biodiversité ordinaire, à savoir celle qui nous entoure et qui représente 80% des espèces dans le monde. Il propose un aperçu de l'état de cette biodiversité, en lien
8. (Ré)concilier société et biodiversité
CouvetDenisDenis Couvet présente un cadre d'analyse permettant de mieux concilier le développement humain et la préservation de la biodiversité. Il explique les conditions d'une telle perspective et montre les