Lieu de réalisation
Pompeii, Italia
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Rami GIDEON (Réalisation), Sophie BAUDELOT (Réalisation), Elisabeth de PABLO (Réalisation), FMSH-ESCoM (Production), John J. Dobbins (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/1c46-hm59
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John J. Dobbins. FMSH. (2004, 5 juillet). The Pompeii Forum Project , in DOBBINS John. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. https://doi.org/10.60527/1c46-hm59. (Consultée le 24 janvier 2025)

The Pompeii Forum Project

Réalisation : 5 juillet 2004 - Mise en ligne : 4 août 2004
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John DOBBINS is a Professor at the McIntire Department of Art, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. He has been the Director of the "Pompeii Forum Project since 1994. The project is a collaborative research venture conceived to address broad issues in urban history and urban design. Its main goal is to gather evidence about the evolution of the Forum, and to interpret this information as it pertains to Pompeii's urban history in order to contribute to both history of urbanism and contemporary problems of urban design.

Professor Dobbins' main areas of reserach are Roman Architecture, Pompeii, ancient urbanism, Roman mosaics and Antioch.

Curriculum Vitæ de John  Dobbins


McIntire Department of Art
University of Virginia
Fayerweather Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA
434-924-6128 FAX: 434-924-3647

919 Old Farm Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. M.A., Ph.D. (Classical Art and Archaeology), 1977.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1974-1975.
Boston University, Boston, MA. M.A. (English), 1969.
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA. B.A. (English, Classics minor), 1968.


Professor, McIntire Department of Art, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 1996-present.
Co-Director, Summer Program in Archaeology, American Academy in Rome. 1998-2000.
Associate Professor, McIntire Department of Art, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 1984-1996.
Assistant Professor, McIntire Department of Art, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 1978-84.
Director, Etruscan Foundation Excavation at La Befa, Italy; June-July 1976 and 1977, May-June 1980 (program in field techniques, with undergraduate and graduate students). Teacher, St. John's Preparatory School, Danvers, MA (English Literature), 1969-71.
Teacher, Berlitz School of Languages, Boston, MA (English as a Second Language), summers 1969-1971.

Director, Pompeii Forum Project (http://pompeii.virginia.edu). Beginning 1994.
On-site study in the forum at Pompeii. Summers of 1988, 1991, 1992; September 1993.
Excavation at Morgantina, Sicily. June 24-August 6, 1983;
July 12-August 12, 1985; July 19-29, 1992. Director of theater research.
On-site study of the remains of the theater at Morgantina, Sicily. July 16-30, 1980; July, 1982.
Director, Etruscan Foundation Excavation at La Befa, Italy, summers 1976, 1977, 1980.
Remeasurement of the Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia on the Athenian Acropolis; July 1975, August 1976.
Trench Supervisor, Corinth Excavations; April-June 1975.
Site Supervisor, Dumbarton Oaks and University of Michigan Excavations at Dibsi Faraj, Syria; May-June 1972-74, and Study Season, August, 1975.
Volunteer, Danvers Historical Society Excavation of the Samuel Parris House, Salem Village, MA; summer 1971 (part-time).
Volunteer, Bryant Foundation Excavation at Cadiz and Pollentia, Spain; summer 1968.


"Pompeii: Reading Clues from Cataclysms," at the Smithsonian Institution, October 5, 2005.
"The Pompeii Forum Project: A Decade of Discovery," Baltimore Society, Archaeological Institute of America, September 2004.
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, Martha Sharp Joukowsky Lecturer, 2002-2003: lectures on the Pompeii forum at 13 AIA societies.
"The houses at Antioch," Cleveland Museum of Art: Symposium on Ancient Antioch, April 2001.
"The houses and mosaics at Antioch," Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC: Symposium on Ancient Antioch, November 2001.
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 2001: Three lectures on Pompeii at AIA Societies in Kansas City, Western Illinois, and Minneapolis.
"Pompeii's Most Important Building," University of Wisconsin at Madison, Humanities Institute, October, 2000.
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 2000: Manitoba ("Pompeii=s Most Important Building"), Madison, Rockford ("Pompeii, Cicero, and the Birth of a Roman Town").
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1999: Ann Arbor, Toronto, Pittsburgh ("The Pompeii Forum Project").
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1998: Gainesville, Tallahassee ("The Pompeii Forum Project"), Tampa ("Problems of Ancient Design: the Imperial Cult Building at Pompeii").
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1997: Walla Walla, Spokane ("The Pompeii Forum Project"), Eugene ("Problems of Architectural Design: the Imperial Cult Building at Pompeii").
University of St. Thomas, Houston. First Annual Lecture in Italian Archaeology ("The Forum at Pompeii") September, 1996.
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1996: Worcester, Providence, Boston ("New Discoveries from the Forum at Pompeii").


Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1995: Staten Island ("The Pompeii Forum Project"); Northern New Jersey, New York City ("New Discoveries from the Forum at Pompeii").
"New Discoveries from the Forum at Pompeii." College of William and Mary, October, 1994.
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1994: Albany, Rochester ("New Discoveries from the Forum at Pompeii"); Niagara Peninsula ("Problems of Ancient Design and Modern Interpretation on the Forum at Pompeii").
"New Discoveries from the Forum at Pompeii." Provincial Museum, Alberta, Canada, April, 1994.
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1993: Lubbock, Tucson ("New Discoveries from the Forum at Pompeii"); Austin ("Problems of Ancient Design and Modern Interpretation on the Forum at Pompeii").
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1991: Columbus, Cleveland, University Park ("New Discoveries from the Forum at Pompeii").
"New Discoveries from the Forum at Pompeii." Archaeological Institute of America, Lynchburg Society, March 1992.
"New Discoveries from the Forum at Pompeii." The Mediterranean Society, Richmond, November 1991.
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1990: Iowa City, Oxford, Springfield ("Problems of Chronology, Decoration, and Urban Design on the Forum at Pompeii").
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1989: Bloomington, Chicago, Detroit ("Problems of Chronology, Decoration, and Urban Design on the Forum at Pompeii").
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1988: New Orleans, Houston, Dallas ("Mosaic Programs in the Houses at Antioch").
"All You Need to Know About Ancient Lamps." Archaeological Institute of America, Charlottesville Society, April 1988. Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1987: New Haven and Hartford ("Mosaic Programs in the Houses at Antioch").
"The Hellenistic Theater at Morgantina, Sicily." Archaeological Institute of America, Lynchburg Society, November 1986.
"The Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia on the Athenian Acropolis." Archaeological Institute of America, Richmond Society, January 1986.


"Roman Cities in the Eastern Provinces" at "The Roman Empire of Septimius Severus," a symposium at the Virginia Museum, Richmond, March 1983.
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1983: Minnesota ("The Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia on the Athenian Acropolis"); Iowa City and Rockford ("Mosaics and Architecture in the Houses at Antioch"). "Mosaics and Architecture in the Houses of Antioch." Archaeological Institute of America, Lynchburg Society, November 1982.
"The Excavation of a Roman Villa in Tuscany." Charlottesville/Albemarle Friends of the Virginia Museum, September 1982.
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture Tour, 1982: Kentucky and South Pennsylvania ("Mosaics and Architecture in the Houses at Antioch"); Cincinnati and Bloomington ("The Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia on the Athenian Acropolis").
"The Organization of the Roman Mint at Alexandria during the Tetrarchic Period." American Numismatic Society, New York City, August 1979.
"A Roman Villa in Etruria." Classical Association of Virginia, Semi-annual meeting, Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale Campus, April 1979.
"The Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia on the Athenian Acropolis." Archaeological Institute of America, Charlottesville Society, November 1978.

Archaeological Institute of America
President, Charlottesville Society, 1980-1987; 1989-present.
Travelling Lecturer, 1982-2003.

American Numismatic Society, Member
Classical Association of Virginia, Member

AIEMA (l'association internationale pour l'étude de la mosaïque antique).
Secretary/Treasurer North American Branch, 1996-present.

Etruscan Foundation
Advisory Board, Member, 1991- 2005; Chair, 2001- 2005.
Etruscan Studies, Member of Editorial Board, 1991- 2005.

Mead Honored Faculty Member, 2005-2006.
University of Virginia Sesquicentennial Fellowship. 2002.
University of Virginia/University of Rome Summer Grant, 1998. Teaching + Technology Initiative Fellowship, 1997-98.
University of Virginia Summer Research Grant, 1997

NEH Three Year Grant, 1995-1998, for Pompeii Forum Project.
NEH Summer Stipend. 1995 (declined, to accept the 3-year grant).
Center for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (at the University of Virginia); Fellow 1993-1994; Associate Fellow 1994-present.
Center for Advanced Studies, University of Virginia. Grant awarded in 1990 for the Sixth Colloquium on Ancient and Medieval Mosaics and Painting held at the University of Virginia in October 1992.
American Philosophical Society Grant. Summer 1985.
University of Virginia Summer Research Grant. 1995, 1994, 1993, 1991, 1988, 1987.
University of Virginia Sesquicentennial Fellowship. 1988, 1996.

University of Virginia Summer Research Grant. 1984, 1983, 1982 (declined, to accept NEH grant), 1980. University of Virginia Sesquicentennial Fellowship. 1982.
NEH Summer Stipend. 1982.
American Numismatic Society Summer Grant. 1979.

UNDERGRADUATE LECTURES. History of Art I: Paleolithic through Medieval; Introduction to Classical Archaeology; Etruscan and Roman Art; Roman Sculpture; Roman Architecture; Pompeii; Age of Augustus.
UNDERGRADUATE SEMINARS. The Life and Art of Pompeii; Problems in Classical Art and Archaeology; Roman Painting; Roman Painting and Mosaics; Antioch and the Roman East; Age of Augustus; Roman Coins.
GRADUATE LECTURES. Roman Art and Architecture: Republic to Trajan; Roman Art and Architecture: Trajan to Constantine; Roman Architecture; Roman Sculpture.
GRADUATE SEMINARS. Problems in Roman Art & Archaeology; Roman Painting and Mosaics; The Roman Villa; The Roman City; Roman Art from Trajan to Constantine; Antioch and the Roman East; The Roman House and Villa; Roman Architecture; Pompeii.

Panel member in two workshops of the Teaching Resource Center during 2004-2005 (Professors as Writers and Team Teaching).
Consultant in the Enhancing Diversity Fellowship program, 2004-2005.
Guest lecturer in classes outside Art Department (2-3 per year)
Self Study Project
Academic Committee, Member 1994-95.
Lilly Fellows Program, 1994-95, Mentor.
Ad Hoc Associate Provost's Committee, Barbara Nolan, Chair
1992-93 (This is the committee that wrote "Sustaining and Building Excellence in Difficult Times--The Research University in the 1990s: The Case of the University of Virginia."
Faculty Associate: Echols Scholar Program, 1993-present.
Faculty Associate, i.e., advisor to approximately 15 first-year students each year. 1978-1982, 1984-92.
Major advisor for students in the Interdisciplinary Major in Archaeology. 1985-present.
Faculty Senate
Member, 1991-95.
Committee on Undergraduate Education, Chair, 1991-95.
Council on Community
Member, 1992-1994.
Working Group on Community, Co-chair, Feb. 1993-May 1994.
Dean's Advisory Committee
Member, 1991-1992.
Brown College at Monroe Hill
Friend, 1991-1996.
University of Virginia Fencing Club
Member, 1989-present.

Art History Major Advisor. 1979-82, 1983-85, 1989-present.
Director of Graduate Studies. 1985-1987.

Bibliographie des publications les plus importantes de John Dobbins


McIntire Department of Art
University of Virginia
Fayerweather Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA
TEL:434-924-6128 FAX: 434-924-3647



Book (in press--Routledge)

The World of Pompeii, ed. with Pedar Foss (2006).

Books (currently in preparation)

A book-length final publication of the Pompeii Forum Project

The Theater at Morgantina, Sicily. Princeton University Press.


"The Forum and its Dependencies," in P.W. Foss and J.J. Dobbins, eds., The World of Pompeii, forthcoming: Routledge, 2006.

"The Pompeii Forum Project," (with Larry F. Ball) in P.G. Guzzo and M.P. Guidobaldi, eds., Nuove ricerche archeologiche a Pompei ed Ercolano (Naples 2005) 60-72.

Catalogue entries and short essays on Roman coins and sculpture in Andrea N. Douglas, ed., The Museum: Conditions & Spaces. Selections from the University of Virginia Art Museum (Charlottesville 2004) 66-67, 130-133.

"The Houses at Antioch," in Christine Kondoleon, ed. Antioch: the Lost Ancient City (Princeton 2000) 51-62.

"Excavations in the Sanctuary of Apollo at Pompeii, 1997" AJA 102 (1998) 739-56 (with Ball, Cooper, Gavel, Hay).

"The Pompeii Forum Project, 1994-1995," in Rick Jones and Sara E. Bon, eds. Sequence and Space in Pompeii (Oxbow Press, Oxford 1997) 73-87.


The Classical Journal 100:4 (2005) 417-422: Review of Wilhelmina F. Jashemski and Frederick G. Meyer, The Natural History of Pompeii (Cambridge 2002).

American Journal of Archaeology 197 (2003) 690-91: Review of Gardens of Pompeii by Annamaria Ciarallo (trans. Lori-Ann Touchette); Women and Beauty in Pompeii by Antonio d'Ambrosio (trans. Graham Sells); Gods and Heroes in Pompeii by Ernesto De Carolis (trans. Lori-Ann Touchette); Eroticism in Pompeii by Antonio Varone (trans. Maureen Fant). Common to all: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, Rome, 2001 and published in the United States by The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, 2001.


" More Heresy from the Pompeii Forum Project: A Roman Date for the Basilica", AJA 105 (2001) 264 (abstract).

"The Pompeii Forum Project, 1996-1997," AJA 102 (1998) 400.

"The Pompeii Forum Project, 1994-1995," AJA 100 (1996) 369-70.



The Lamps, in Sharon Herbert, ed., Tel Anafa II. Ann Arbor. (A book-length presentation of the Iron Age, Persian, Greek, and Roman lamps from Tel Anafa, Israel; in press since 1995.)


"The Imperial Cult Building in the forum at Pompeii," in Alastair Small, ed. Subject and Ruler: The Cult of the Ruling Power in Classical Antiquity. Journal of Roman

Archaeology Supplement no. 17 (Ann Arbor 1996) 99-114.

"The Pompeii Forum Project," IATH Research Reports, second series, 1994: World Wide Web, URL: http://jefferson.village virginia.edu/pompeii/page-1.html

"Problems of Chronology, Decoration, and Urban Design on the Forum at Pompeii," in American Journal of Archaeology 97 (1994) 629-94.

"The Altar in the Sanctuary of the Genius of Augustus in the Forum at Pompeii," Römische Mitteilungen 99 (1992) 251-63.

"A Roman Funerary Relief of a Potter and His Wife," Arts in Virginia 25:2/3 (1985) 24-33.


"The 'Sanctuary of the Public Lares' at Pompeii," American Journal of Archaeology 97 (1993) 327.

"Publica Magnificentia and the Tufa Architecture of Augustan Pompeii," American Journal of Archaeology 96 (1992) 372.

"Problems of Chronology, Decoration, and Urban Planning on the Forum at Pompeii," American Journal of Archaeology 93 (1989) 259.


Review, in American Journal of Archaeology 92 (1988) 619-20, of M. Aylwin Cotton and Guy P.R. Metraux, The San Rocco Villa at Francolise (Rome, 1985).

Review, in American Journal of Archaeology 91 (1987) 155-56, of Annamaria Larese, Le lucerne fittili e bronzee del Museo Concordiese de Portogruaro (Rome, 1983).



The Excavation of the Roman Villa at La Befa, Italy. (British Archaeological Reports, International Series, no. 162.) Oxford, 1983.


"A New Method for Photographically Recording Architectural Cuttings and Dressings," American Journal of Archaeology 86 (1982) 584-86.

"Mosaics from Antioch," Porticus 5 (1982) 8-14.

"Pictures for the Floor: The Virginia Museum's Roman Mosaics," Arts in Virginia 22:1 (1982) 2-13.

"The Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia on the Athenian Acropolis," (with R.F. Rhodes), Hesperia 48 (1979) 325-41.

"The Roman Villa at La Befa, Italy," Archaeology 32:1 (1979) 56-60.


Review, in Phoenix 38:1 (1984) 106-108, of Hector Williams, Kenchrea: Eastern Port of Corinth, Vol. 5 The Lamps (Leiden, 1981).

Review, in Phoenix 36:4 (1982) 376-78, of John W. Hayes, Ancient Lamps in the Royal Ontario Museum 1: Greek and Roman Clay Lamps (Toronto, 1980).



"Samnite or Roman: the Forum at Pompeii," keynote address at a meeting of the Ontario Classical Association, McMaster University, October 22, 2005.

"The Pompeii Forum Project and the Conservation of the Forum," at Symposium on Conservation at Pompeii and Other Sites in the Shadow of Vesuvius: A Review of Best Practices, sponsored by the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei, the World Monument Fund, and the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, November 20-22, 2003, Pompeii, Italy.

"Pompeii Forum Project," (with Larry F. Ball) at Nuove ricerche sull'area vesuviana-New research in the Vesuvian area, at the British School at Rome, November 28-30, 2002.

"Making Pompeii Vivid at UVA: QTVR, Video Streaming, MacDonald's Armature, and on?Grounds Case Studies," Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Philadelphia, 2002.

"Il teatro di Morgantina," Network dei Luoghi Antichi di Spettacolo del Mezzogiorno d=Italia. Palermo, Sicily, December 2001.

"More Heresy from the Pompeii Forum Project: A Roman date for the Basilica," Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, San Diego, 2001.

"The Pompeii Forum Project and the Changing Face of Pompeian Studies," Annual Conference of the Humanities & Technology Association, Charlottesville, VA, October, 2000.

"The Pompeii Forum Project: 1997 Interim Report," at Pompei: studio e pubblicazione delle strutture scavate, a conference sponsored by the British School at Rome and the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Rom, 27-28 June, 1997.


"The Pompeii Forum Project, 1994-1995," Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, San Diego, 1995.

"Who Commissioned the Imperial Cult Building in the Forum at Pompeii," Subject and Ruler: The Cult of the Ruling Power in Classical Antiquity--A Conference in Honor of the 65th Birthday of Duncan Fishwick, Edmonton, Alberta, April 13-16, 1994.

"A Methodology for Recognizing the Peripatetic Career of the Roman Lampmaker FAVSTVS: Macroscopic Fabric Analysis, Palaeography, and NAA," (with Kathleen M. Lynch), at Culture and Ethnicity in the Hellenistic East: Issues, Problems, and Approaches, Ann Arbor, March 1994.

"The 'Sanctuary of the Public Lares' at Pompeii." Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, New Orleans, 1992.

"The Theater at Morgantina, Sicily." Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (The Southern Section), Richmond, October 1992.

"Painted and Revetted Facades and Interiors on the Forum at Pompeii." Colloquium sponsored by the North American Branch of AIEMA, Charlottesville, October 1992.

"Publica Magnificentia and the Tufa Architecture of Augustan Pompeii." Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Chicago, 1991.

"The Mosaic Program in the House of the Boat of Psyches at Antioch-on-the-Orontes." Colloquium sponsored by the North American Branch of AIEMA, Baltimore, April 1989.

"Problems of Chronology, Decoration, and Urban Planning on the Forum at Pompeii." First Joint Archaeological Congress, Baltimore, January 1989.

"The Opus Sectile Pavement in the Triclinium of Domitian's Palace on the Palatine Hill in Rome." Colloquium sponsored by the North American Branch of AIEMA, Quebec, November 1986. Respondent, Session II: Regional Landscapes. Conference on Landscape Archaeology, sponsored by the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation and the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, September 1986.

"What a Relief! A Controversial Roman Sculpture in the Virginia Museum." Virginia Museum Symposium on Ancient Art, Richmond, March 1985.

"The Hellenistic Theater at Morgantina, Sicily." General meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto, December 1984.


"Research in the Ancient Theater at Morgantina, Sicily." Hollins College Archaeological Symposium, March 1984.

"The Organization of the Roman Mint at Alexandria." General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Philadelphia, 1982.

"Architecture and Mosaics in the Houses of Antioch." Colloquium sponsored by the North American Branch of AIEMA, Toronto, March 1981.

"Architecture and Mosaics in the Houses of Antioch" at "New Views of the Ancient World: A Symposium by Virginians on Ancient Art," The Virginia Museum, Richmond, VA, February, 1981.

"Second to Third Century Lamp Workshops at Antioch." Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Vancouver, December 1978.

"Mosaics and Architecture in the Houses at Antioch." Annual Meeting of the College Art Association, New York City, January 1978.

"The Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia on the Athenian Acropolis." General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Washington, D.C., December 1975.

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