Interpreting, Modeling and Destroying: the Creation of 3D Libraries in Support of Archaeological Investigation
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Presentation of Nicolo DELL'UNTO (Univ. Lund, Sweden) at the PARTHENOSworkshop "Digital 3D objects in Art and Humanities: challengesof creation, interoperability and preservation" (Bordeaux, 30Nov. - 2 Dec. 2016).
Dans la même collection
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Using CRMdig for Integrating and Enriching Provenance Metadata for 3D Models and Digital Objects
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Wrap up and conclusions
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Avec les mêmes intervenants et intervenantes
The Use of 3D Models in Support of Archaeological Practice: Interpreting the Past Using Four Dimens…
Dell'UntoNicoloPresentation of Nicolo DELL'UNTO (Univ. Lund, Sweden) at the PARTHENOS workshop "Digital 3D objects in Art and Humanities: challenges of creation, interoperability and preservation" (Bordeaux, 30