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LESTUDIUM. Dr Gerwin Puppels - Comparing cultured skin, ex vivo skin, and in vivo skin by near-infrared confocal Raman spectroscopy , in Skin Models in Cosmetic Science: Bridging Established Methods and Novel Technologies 2nd meeting. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 11 juin 2024)

Dr Gerwin Puppels - Comparing cultured skin, ex vivo skin, and in vivo skin by near-infrared confocal Raman spectroscopy

Mise en ligne : 27 avril 2022
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Skin cultures and ex vivo skin samples are increasingly used in tests of cosmetics and topical pharmaceutical products.

Near-infrared Confocal Raman Spectroscopy is a non-destructive technique for analysis of the molecular composition of the skin and analysis of skin penetration at high spatial resolution, which has achieved broad adoption.

Over the past 20 years, we have developed an easy-to-use and reliable instrument and dedicated methodology and data analysis software for in vivo skin analysis, which can also be applied to ex vivo skin samples and cultured skin.

This enables a critical comparison of the molecular anatomy of in vivo (human) skin, ex vivo skin samples and cultured skin, as well as their product penetration properties. The presentation will highlight differences between the molecular composition of in vivo skin measurements, cultured skin samples and ex vivo porcine skin samples, and will discuss how this information can support the further improvement and quality control of skin models.

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