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LESTUDIUM. Dr Jeyaraj Ponmozhi - Realtime analysis of drug (diffusion, toxicity, would healing, repair, inflammation, aging with different shear stress studies) on skin cells in a microfluidic skin-on-a-chip device. , in Skin Models in Cosmetic Science: Bridging Established Methods and Novel Technologies 2nd meeting. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 27 juillet 2024)

Dr Jeyaraj Ponmozhi - Realtime analysis of drug (diffusion, toxicity, would healing, repair, inflammation, aging with different shear stress studies) on skin cells in a microfluidic skin-on-a-chip device.

Mise en ligne : 27 avril 2022
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Advantages of microfluidics could outnumber the advantages  in  reconstructed  and excised skin samples in certain cases for the study on permeability, toxicity, irritation, corrosion, disease models (eg. oral cancer, etc.), pharmacology, therapeutic approaches, pharmacokinetics and formulation optimization with skin cells deposited in the microchannel and could mimic the exact in vivo conditions. Rather constructing the skin models with full-thickness skin, just the skin cells of different layers  namely stratum corneum, epidermis (HaCaT), dermis (Fb) & epithelium (EC), etc. can be cultured and deposited or adhered on the microfluidic channels with thickness of about less than 10?m. The deposition of the skin cells can be made by passing the cultured assay at different shear stress as the shear stress controls the porosity of the skin layer thickness we plan to develop for each layers. The drug diffusion can be studied at varied concentration and varied shear stress on single skin cell layers developed with our desired thickness and also overlapping skin cell layers just as the same to mimic the human skin. The skin cells viability can be maintained at our required level for the study (disease models)by providing the nutrients at our required flowrate. The shear stress in the microchannel will affect many factors such as cell-cell communications, extracellular gradients, local concentrations of compounds secreted due to drug reaction with skin cells, the drugs penetration into the skin cells. The results obtained for our skin layer thickness for each type can be extrapolated to the actual thickness of the skin layers for epidermis (32-42?m); dermis (949-1350 ?m); hypodermis (847 – 2979 ?m).

It was reported by different research groups that this microfluidic models has better sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. To highlight the use of microfluidics, the research work by a German group has to be looked through for their work of developing native skin with hair follicles.

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