Laurent Châtel

Châtel, Laurent (19..-....)

Date de naissance
Langues d'expression
Maître de conférences à l'université de Paris IV-Sorbonne (en 2001).

Spécialiste de l'écriture, l'esthétique et les arts picturaux de la Grande-Bretagne des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles (en 2001)

Laurent Châtel is Senior Lecturer at Paris-Sorbonne (France) and Director of Research for the Centre for Studies in British Art, Environment and Digital Humanities (CSTI). His main areas of research are eighteenth- and nineteenth-century art and aesthetics, with a special focus on garden history, landscaoe painting, William Beckford, and oriental tales. He is the author of numerous articles on the sublime, the picturesque, utopia, landscape art and the Arabian Nights. His latest publication is The Invisible Fabulist- William Beckford and Late Eighteenth-Century Orientalism (Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, forthcoming). He created the Oxford Garden and Landscape Studies Seminar and is Academic Adviser for the Centre for Art, Landscape, and the Environment at Hestercombe Gardens (UK).
> Voir sa page personnelle (univ. Paris-Sorbonne).


Fancy a Garden? The Hortulean Pleasures of Imagination and Virtuality / Laurent Châtel