C. Lelévrier (Univ. Paris Est-Créteil)

Lelévrier, Christine (1962-....)

Date de naissance
Langues d'expression
Chef de projet à l'Institut d'aménagement et d'urbanisme de la région d'Ile-de-France (en 1998)

Christine Lelévrier is an urban sociologist, professor at the “Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris”, an Urban Planning Department of the Paris-East University and a member of the Urban research Centre called “Lab’urba”, focused on social dynamics and urban policies. The main topics of her research activities are segregation processes, ethnicity, residential mobility and social mix in area-based urban and renewal policies. She has a longstanding experience in evaluation of urban policies (expert for the Regional Council from 2001 till 2008) and worked from 1986 till 2000 as a consultant in urban studies. She was also a member of an international working group on social housing policies and a co-leader of a workshop on European urban renewal policies in the GIS “Socioeconomie de l’habitat”. She conducted a wide research program since 2004 on the “effects” of the demolition of social housing estates in France with the urban research department of the Ministry for Housing (social mix and the inhabitants” and new comers careers). She worked on comparative European policies regarding “social mix and housing” (Spain, Germany, Portugal).

She has published a book untitled “Social mix” in 2006 (La Documentation française) and one of her last publications has been on “Urban regeneration in European social housing areas (with Christiane Droste and Franck Wassenberg, LSE, 2008) and “social mix in urban renewal” (Espaces et sociétés, 2010).

- Voir sa page personnelle (Lab'Urba, Univ. Paris Est).


Social mix strategies in urban renewal: paradoxical effects ? [VO] / Christine Lelévrier

Social mix strategies in urban renewal: paradoxical effects ? [VO] / Christine Lelévrier


Social mix strategies in urban renewal: paradoxical effects ? [version originale en anglais] / Christine Lelévrier. In "Mixité : an urban and housing issue? Mixing people, housing and activities as