Marung, Steffi
1978 | born in Halle/ Saale, Germany |
1997-2004 | Study of Political Science and German Literature at the University of Halle-Wittenberg, Humboldt-University Berlin and Charles University Prague |
2004 | M.A. in Political Science and German Literature at the University of Halle-Wittenberg |
2005 | Research Assistant at the Center for Advanced Study of the University of Leipzig, Project Group„’Außereuropa’ und die europäischen Wissenschaftskulturen. Konzeptionen und Funktionen von Lateinamerika und Afrika in den modernen Humanwissenschaften Deutschlands im Vergleich zu Westeuropa und Ostmitteleuropa (1945-2000)“ |
2006 to 2009 | PhD student at the Research Academy Leipzig, Graduate Center Humanities and Social Sciences, Class “Transnationalization and Regionalization from the 18th century to the present” |
2006 to 2010 | Researcher at the Center for the History and Culture of East Central Europe at the University of Leipzig (GWZO), Project Group “East Central Europe in a Transnational Perspective”; Research Project “From the Iron Crtain to EU Neighbourhood. Territorialization and Shifting Border Regimes from the German-Polish to the Polish-Ukrainian Eastern Border of the European Union” |
Since 2011 | Researcher at the Centre for Area Studies of the University of Leipzig |
Recent Main Publications
„Die Kartierung der Europäischen Nachbarschaft. Kartographische Narrative für eine neue Frontier“ (The Cartography of EU Neighbourhood. Cartographical Narratives for a new Frontier), in: Peter Haslinger/ Vadim Oswalt (eds.), Kampf der Karten. Propaganda- und Geschichtskarten als politische Instrumente und Identitätstexte in Europa seit 1918, Marburg: Verlag Herder Institut 2011 (forthcoming).
“Moving Borders - Competing Civilizing Missions: Germany, Poland, and the Ukraine in the Context of EU Eastern Enlargement”, in: Marc Silberman/ Karen E. Till/ Janet Ward (eds.), Walls, Borders, Boundaries: Strategies of Surveillance and Survival, New York: Berghahn Books 2011 (forthcoming).
„Zivilisierungsmissionen à la polonaise: Polen, Europa und der Osten“ (Civilizing Missions à la polonaise: Poland, Europe, and the East), in: Comparativ, 20 (2010) 1, pp. 100-122.
„Anssi Paasi“, in: Matthias Middell/ Ulf Engel (eds.), Theoretiker der Globalisierung, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2010, pp. 381-395.
Steffi Franke/ James W. Scott: Border Research in a Global Perspective, Comparativ, 17 (2007) No. 4.
Socialisme International
Socialisme international Modérateurs : Sabine Dullin et Constantin Katsakioris Intervenants : Eric Burton (University of Vienna), Socialisms between cooperation and competition. The case