Michel, Alain (1959-.... ; historien)
Directeur du laboratoire IDHES-Evry (UMR 8533) (en 2023)
Professeur agrégé, spécialiste des archives cinématographiques et photographiques du monde industriel, membre de CRHST, Centre de recherche en histoire des sciences et des techniques (en 2004)
Lecturer in Contemporary History at the University of Evry-Val d'Essonne and researcher at the research laboratory Institutions et Dynamiques Historiques de l'Economie et de la Société (IDHE.S, UMR 8533). Both historian industrial production techniques, expert in visual sources and expert in the use of 3D modeling tools for historical interpretation.
Wrap up and conclusions
Wrap up and conclusions of the PARTHENOS workshop "Digital 3D objects in Art and Humanities: challenges of creation, interoperability and preservation" (Bordeaux, 30 Nov. - 2 Dec. 2016).
Interview of Alain P. MICHEL at the PARTHENOS workshop "Digital 3D objects in Art and Humanities: challenges of creation, interoperability and preservation" (Bordeaux, 30 Nov.-2 Dec. 2016).
The Usines 3D Industrial History Program and the Virtual Modeling of Past Working Activities
Presentation of Alain P. MICHEL (UEVE-IDHES, UMR 8533, France) at the PARTHENOS workshop "Digital 3D objects in Art and Humanities: challenges of creation, interoperability and preservation"