Mokhtefi, Elaine (1928-....)

Date de naissance
Langues d'expression
Journaliste américaine. A milité pour l'indépendance de l'Algérie au sein du Front de libération nationale. Elle a contribué à la création de la section internationale du Black Panther Party à Alger.

Elaine Mokhtefi is an American and Algerian activist, translator, and writer. Born in New York in 1928, Mokhtefi began working as a translator for anti-racist and anti-colonial activist movements after moving to Paris in her twenties. She supported Algerian independence efforts, then lived in Algeria from 1962 until she was forced to leave the country in 1974. Her memoir of her time there, Algiers, Third World Capital: Freedom Fighters, Revolutionaries, Black Panthers was published in 2018, translated by Mokhtefi into French and published in 2019 as Algiers, capital de la revolution : de Fanon aux Black Panthers. (en 2024)
