Pineda Duque, Javier Armando
Javier A. Pineda D. Associate Professor at Cider, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá. He has concentrated on three research areas: i) studies on gender and development, from critical feminisms on issues such as women's empowerment, masculinities and care economy; ii) local economic development, from the political economy and theories of institutional change; and iii) work studies, from the sociology of work and labor economics. He has been a visiting researcher at the University of Newcastle, UK and has published in journals and books in Colombia and Latin America, as well as in Anglo-Saxon books and journals. He has been a DNP official and a consultant for UNDP, ILO and IOM. He is currently coordinator of the Clacso group on Gender and Care, and is a member of the Latin American Association of Labor Studies -ALAST, and Latin American Studies Association - LASA. He has taught courses as Research seminar, Gender and interdisciplinarity, Gender in practice, Gender, identity and development, Institutions and local and regional economic development, among others.
Qui Prend Soin - Care et pandémie dans une perspective transnationale
Care et pandémie dans une perspective transnationale » vise à présenter les premiers résultats d’un projet de recherche international réalisé dans 6 pays : le Brésil, le Canada, la Colombie, les Etats