Williams, Gregory P. (19..-....)
Gregory P. Williams is associate professor of political science and international relations at Simmons University in Boston. His book, Contesting the Global Order: The Radical Political Economy of Perry Anderson and Immanuel Wallerstein (SUNY Press, 2020) was a 2021 Choice Outstanding Academic Title. Williams’ articles have appeared in journals such as American Political Thought, International Politics, and Social Movement Studies. His latest work, «From Africa to the World: The Sources of Wallerstein’s The Modern World-System» was recently published in The Anthem Companion to Immanuel Wallerstein (2023) (en 2024)
Table ronde 1 / Utopistics in an Age of Uncertainty?
Table Ronde 1 | Synthèse de l'œuvre d'Immanuel Wallerstein Intervenant : Gregory P. Williams (par zoom), Utopistics in an Age of Uncertainty Modérateur : Thierry Paquot