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Claire SARAZIN (Réalisation), Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès-campus Mirail (Production), SCPAM / Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès-campus Mirail (Publication), Julie Celnik (Intervention)
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Tous droits réservés aux auteurs et à l'Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès.
DOI : 10.60527/cx89-bh37
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Julie Celnik. UT2J. (2016, 7 avril). Cascadia: Emergence of a Bioregional Culture in the Pacific Northwest / Julie Celnik , in Regional Becomings in North America. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 19 septembre 2024)

Cascadia: Emergence of a Bioregional Culture in the Pacific Northwest / Julie Celnik

Réalisation : 7 avril 2016 - Mise en ligne : 1 décembre 2016
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Cascadia: Emergence of a Bioregional Culture in the Pacific Northwest / Julie Celnik, in symposium international "Regional Becomings in North America" organisé, sous la responsabilité scientifique de Wendy Harding (Cultures Anglo-Saxonnes (CAS), Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France) et Nancy Cook (University of Montana, USA), Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, 7-8 avril 2016. Session 2: Bioregional Becomings II.

The Pacific Northwest is known as the greenest part of North America – literally, with the Evergreen Forest, but also culturally, with a strong environmental awareness. Both Callenbach and Garreau, in the 1970-80’, described this region as a place where people live in harmony with nature. The region that they referto as “Ecotopia” in their fictions is today identified by a growing number of people as the Cascadia bioregion. To what extent the cultural practices in the Pacific Northwest are not only becoming regional, but bioregional? The Cascadia Flag, the Cascadia Poetry Festival, the Cascadia Soccer Cup, the Cascadia Forest Defenders are some among many examples of a Cascadian identity. This presentation will focus on the culture of green political resistance which newly gave to this region the nicknames “Blockadia” (Naomi Klein) and “Thin Green Line” (Sightline Institute). These practices, sometimes very confrontational (direct action), are embedded into a bioregional approach that tries to connect global issues (like climate change)and local adaptations. By creating resilient communities, bioregionalism helps redefining the regional identity of the Pacific Northwest, as becoming Cascadian.


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