EN-1. Observation of oceanic marine ecosystems
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The marine environment is uneasy of access, so Pierre Chavance presents some current ways to better know the state of the marine biodiversity and resources. He focuses on the accompanying and surveillance measures of the fishing boats, especially on the boats fishing with a seine.
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EN-7. Feeding people and birds: interactions between fishermen and marine predators
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EN-2. Marine connectivity and impact on marine biodiversity
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EN-5. Overfishing and the impacts on biodiversity and on the functioning of ecosystems
CuryPhilippePhilippe Cury explains how the overfishing affects the marine food webs, and he highlights some ecological consequences of this practice, like the jellyfishes proliferation or the disappearance of the
EN-3. Environment complexity and productivity of the coral reefs
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EN-6. Incidental catches and biodiversity: do the fishermen always catch the sought species ?
DagornLaurentLaurent Dagorn presents the problem of the incidental catches in fishery, that is, what is taken off from the marine environment, but which is not sought by the fishermen. He defines the terms of this
Oceans: introduction to biodiversity and resources
In this second part, discover the biodiversity of the oceans, from the coral reefs to the coastal lagoons. This biodiversity, of which the knowledge is still partial, is the subject of great
7. Nourrir les hommes et les oiseaux : interactions entre pêcheurs et prédateurs marins
BertrandSophieSophie Bertrand présente les principales formes d'interactions qui existent entre les pêcheurs et les oiseaux dans le cadre de la pratique de la pêche : captures accidentelles, compétition, ou autres
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