International Workshop on Distributed Computing in the honor of Michel Raynal
After an academic career spanning more than four decades in the area of distributed computing, Michel Raynal will be retiring at the end of the academic year 2016-2017.
In order to celebrate Michel’s long career and many contributions to the community of distributed algorithms, Inria, IRISA, ISTIC and ESIR are pleased to invite you to an International Workshop on Distributed Computing in the honor of Michel Raynal.
Scheduled on Friday 5th May 2017, the one-day workshop will feature presentations by distinguished researchers from the field of distributed computing including Leslie Lamport (Microsoft Research, USA), Maurice Herlihy (Brown University, USA), Sergio Rajsbaum (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico), Yoram Moses (The Technion, Israel), Achour Mostéfaoui (University of Nantes, France), Carole Delporte (University Paris Diderot), and Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL, Switzerland).
Indistinguishability, Duality and Necessary Conditions
This talk discusss the most fundamental notion in distributed computing. I will present and prove a universal property for distributed computing, and discuss implications and applications.
Distributed data structures and consistency criteria
Les systèmes distribués sont divers mais peuvent être classés en deux classes principales, ceux à communication par messages et ceux à mémoire partagée. Depuis qu'il a
A brief history of atomic commitment
Cet exposé retrace brièvement l'historique de l'algorithmique répartie à travers l'un de ses problèmes les plus fondamentaux: la validation atomique.
Tasks, algorithms, and models of distributed computing with Michel (together with other colleagues)
In this talk, I describe some of the work I have done with Michel (and others) over a very productive period that started 15 years ago, and hopefully will last for many more years, where we have
Détecteurs de défaillance
Cet exposé fait un tour d'horizon sur les détecteurs de défaillances, introduits par Chandra et Toueg en 1996. Michel Raynal a largement participé aux recherches sur ce sujet.
Adding Concurrency to Smart Contracts
Modern cryptocurrency systems, such as Ethereum, permit complex financial transactions through scripts called *smart contracts*. These smart contracts are executed many, many times, always without
The Bakery Algorithm in 2015
This talk revisits the Bakery Algorithm I proposed in 1974 from the point of view of the tools that we now have at our disposal in 2015, notably the PlusCal Algorithm Language, and the TLA+
Professeur à l'Université de Paris 7 en 2008 (UFR d'informatique)
Professeur de mathématiques à l'Instituto de Matematicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (2014)
Professeur, EPFL, Lausanne, CH. Titulaire de la chaire annuelle d'Informatique et sciences numériques au Collège de France en 2018-2019 pour l'algorithmique répartie
Informaticien et créateur du logiciel LATEX. En poste : Systems research center, Digital equipment corporation
Informaticien. Professeur, Computer science department, Brown university, Providence, Rhode Island, États-Unis, depuis 1998 (en 2018)