Session 3: Computational Experiment Preservation
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Talk 1 [00:00] : Longevity Of Artifacts In Leading Parallel And Distributed Systems Conferences: A Review Of The State Of The Practice In 2023. By Quentin Guilloteau, Florina M. Ciorba, Millian Poquet, Dorian Goepp and Olivier Richard (Best Paper Finalist)
Presented by Quentin Guilloteau, PostDoctoral Fellow.
Talk 2 [15:42] : Source Code Archival To The Rescue Of Reproducible Deployment. By Ludovic Courtès, Timothy Sample, Simon Tournier and Stefano Zacchiroli.
Presented by Simon Tournier, Research Engineer.
Talk 3 [43:07] : The Impact Of Hardware Variability On Applications Packaged With Docker And Guix: A Case Study In Neuroimaging. By Gaël Vila, Emmanuel Medernach, Inés Gonzalez Pepe, Axel Bonnet, Yohan Chatelain, Michaël Sdika, Tristan Glatard and Sorina Camarasu Pop (Best Paper Finalist)
Presented by Sorina Camarasu Pop, Research Engineer.
Sur le même thème
Tutorial Track 1: Reproducible distributed environments with NixOS Compose
Presented by Quentin Guilloteau, Postdoctoral Fellow, Fernando Ayats Llamas, Research Engineer and Olivier Richard, Assistant Professor.
Tutorial Track 1: Reproducibility of Scientific Results using E4S Containers
Presented by SHENDE, Sameer, Research Profesor.
Tutorial Track2: Fostering Reproducibility By Integrating Large Language Model and Scholarly Knowl…
Presented by Hassan Hussein, PhD Student, Vindoh Ilangovan, Researcher and Kaouter Kebaili, PhD Student.
Tutorial Track 3: Managing HPC Software Complexity with Spack
Presented by Massimiliano Culpo, Researcher.
Tutorial Track 4: Practical strategies for teaching reproducibility
Presented by Fraida Fund, Research Assistant Professor, Sarah Cohen-Boulakia, Professor and Bogdan Alexandru Stoica, PhD Student.
Keynote: Replicable empirical machine learning research
BoulesteixAnne-LaureIn the absence of mathematical theory addressing complex real-life settings beyond simplifying assumptions, the behavior and performance of machine learning methods often has to be addressed by
Session 4: Poster Lightning Talks
Talk 1 [00:00] NPF: orchestrate and reproduce network experiments. By Tom Barbette. Presented by Tom Barbette, Assistant Professor. Talk 2 [03:10] : From reproducible to reusable bioinformatics
Keynote: Reproducibility and replicability of computer simulations
HinsenKonradSince the early days of the reproducibility crisis, much progress has been made in understanding and improving computational reproducibility and replicability (R&R). What have we accomplished so far,