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DOI : 10.60527/zdqv-qm82
Citer cette ressource :
IPSL. (2018, 2 octobre). Physical Chemistry of Atmospheric Pollution - Juan Cuesta , in Physical chemistry of atmospheric pollution. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 6 février 2025)

Physical Chemistry of Atmospheric Pollution - Juan Cuesta

Réalisation : 2 octobre 2018 - Mise en ligne : 4 décembre 2019
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What are the most harmful air pollutants?

What are the main impacts of these pollutants on health and the environment?

What are the sources of these two major pollutants?

What about ozone pollution?

What are the physico-chemical mechanisms that affect the evolution and distribution of pollutants in the atmosphere?

Why do we have peaks of atmospheric pollution?

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