Postmodality and the life cycles of modal expressions (2022 - CRISCO)


This conference focusses on the late stages in the evolution of modal items, namely the transition from modal to postmodal domain, demodalization, the internal structure of the postmodal category and the possible remodalization cycles.


Mirative extensions in the postmodal domain

Mirative extensions in the postmodal domain

The aim of this paper is to offer a semantic-pragmatic account of the postmodal uses of should and would. Arguably, should and would are related to the postmodal domain in so far as both modal

Heiko Narrog

Modal meanings become discourse-oriented

Van der Auwera and Plungian’s (1998) map of possibility and necessity paths offers a re-arrangement of Bybee et al. (1994)’s data on grammaticalization paths in the domain of modality along two