Blandine Nouvel - Deconstructing for reconstructing: the use of the BBT for reorganising the PACTOLS thesaurus
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Blandine NOUVEL
Centre Camille Jullian (CCJ) & Mediterranean House of Human Sciences & GdS Frantiq / CNRS, University Aix-Marseille - FR
Blandine Nouvel learned archaeology and information sciences. After several experiences in libraries at technical and cultural organizations, she is now responsible for engineering and documentary resources at the Centre Camille Jullian, research laboratory in archeology in Aix-en-Provence (CNRS-Aix Marseille University). Convinced of the need to widen access to scientific information, she is particularly interested in the questions of standardization and structuring of the metadata that she implements in projects to publish research data. This led her to launch the reorganization of the PACTOLS thesaurus developed by the Federation and resources on Antiquity, whose technical characteristics and linguistic potential made it a pivotal vocabulary for archeology.
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