Approaches, pratices, challenges of mixité in urban contexts: présentation plénière [VF]/ Ian Cole
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Approaches, pratices and challenges of mixité in different urban contexts : présentation de la plénière / Ian Cole [version française]. In "Mixité : an urban and housing issue? Mixing people, housing and activities as urban challenge of the future", 23ème colloque international de l'European Network for Housing Research (ENHR), organisé par le Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Solidarités, Sociétés, Territoires (LISST) à l'Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail, 5-8 juillet 2011.
Plénière 4, 7 juillet 2011.
This session will address the following questions: How are the concepts of social mixity / ‘mixité’ and social mix implemented in different contexts and by which categories of stakeholders? What representations of the society and the city do they reflect? How do market logics support or constrain policies objectives? How and to what extent do urban practices contribute to ‘mixité’ or on the contrary, to what extent do they reinforce sociospatial disparities?
> La communication est traduite en français par Mme Solange Hibbs (directrice du Département Centre de Traduction, d'Interprétation et de Médiation linguistique (CETIM) de l'université Toulouse II-Le Mirail).
Bibliographie sélective
- The Housing Market Renewal Programme in Perspective: Maintaining momentum through difficult times. A Report to the Chairs and Directors of HMR Partnerships. Ian Cole. Sheffield Hallam University, 2008, 19 p. [En ligne sur le site Sheffield Hallam University].
- Hidden from History? Housing Studies, the Perpetual Present and the Case of Social Housing in Britain. Ian Cole. Housing Studies n°2, vol. 21, 2006, pp. 283-296.
- Developing Socially Mixed Communities. A Triumph of Aspiration over Evidence?. Ian Cole, N. Sprigings. London, ODPM and HM Treasury, 2005.
- Social Balance and Mixed Neighbourhoods in Britain since 1979. A Review of Discourse and Practice in Social Housing. Barry Goodchild, Ian Cole. Environment and Planning D : Society and Space n°1, vol. 19, 2001, pp. 103-121.
- Mixed communities: from vision to oblivion?, Ian Cole, Stephen Green. In Isobel Anderson, Duncan Sim (eds), Housing and Social Exclusion. Coventry : Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), 2000, 262 p.
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