Acciari, Louisa (1988-....)
Dr Louisa Acciari has a Master in Comparative Politics – Latin America (Sciences Po Paris) and a PhD in Gender Studies (LSE). She is one of the Co-Directors of the IRDR Centre for Gender and Disaster. Her research looks at gender in the world of labour through an intersectional and decolonial lens, and in particular, at how marginalised and informal women workers organise to defend their rights. She has been studying and collaborating with the domestic workers’ movement in Brazil and Latin America since 2014, and recently started researching the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the sector. Before joining UCL in August 2020, Louisa worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro for 2 years, and has extensive experience in conducting research, consultancy and training on gender and labour rights with the ILO, the International Domestic Workers’ Federation, Solidarity Centre and the OECD, among others. She currently works as Global Network Coordinator for the GRRIPP project.
Qui prend soin ? Care et pandémie dans une perspective transnationale - 3e partie
Ce colloque met en lumière les expériences vécues des travailleuses du care dans les hôpitaux, maisons de retraite, ou à domicile mais aussi d’interroger les réponses des États et autres acteurs
Qui prend soin ? Care et pandémie dans une perspective transnationale - 2e partie
Ce colloque met en lumière les expériences vécues des travailleuses du care dans les hôpitaux, maisons de retraite, ou à domicile mais aussi d’interroger les réponses des États et autres acteurs