Amedee, Thierry (1959-....)

Date de naissance
Langues d'expression
Titulaire d'un doctorat d'université en physiologie (Bordeaux 2, 1987)

Chargé de Recherche 1ère Classe CNRS
* Baccalauréat D, Bordeaux, 1978.
* DEUG B3 (Biologie), Bordeaux, 1980.
* Licence Biochimie Biologie Cellulaire, Bordeaux, 1981.
* Maîtrise Biochimie Biologie Cellulaire, Bordeaux, 1982.
* CES Bactériologie et Virologie générales (Maîtrise Biologie Humaine), Bordeaux, 1982.
* DEA de Physiologie et Pharmacologie du Myocyte, Bordeaux, 1984.
* Doctorat de l'Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux II, Neurosciences et Pharmacologie, 1987.
Allocation d'études de l'enseignement supérieur. 1983 / 1984.
Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire. Responsable: J.Mironneau.
IBCN du CNRS, 1 rue Camille Saint-Saëns, 33077 Bordeaux Cedex.
Boursier du ministère de la Recherche et de la Technologie (MRT). 1984 / 1987.
Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire, IBCN du CNRS.
Boursier de La Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM). 1988 (4 mois).
Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire, IBCN du CNRS.
Boursier du Medical Research Council. 1988 / 1989
St George's Hospital Medical School, Department of Pharmacology, directeur: T.Bolton, Londres, Angleterre.
Chargé de Recherche 2e Classe CNRS. 1989.
Neurobiologie des Comportements, INSERM U176, directeur: J.D.Vincent.
1 rue Camille Saint-Saëns, 33077 BORDEAUX Cedex.
Chargé de Recherche 1ère Classe CNRS, 1993.
Neurobiologie Intégrative, INSERM U394, directeur: R.Dantzer
1 rue Camille Saint-Saëns, 33077 BORDEAUX Cedex.
MOLLARD P., MIRONNEAU J., AMEDEE T. & MIRONNEAU C. Action potential and Ca2+ inward current in isolated pregnant rat myometrial cells. In "Calcium regulations in smooth muscles. Biochemical and physiological aspects.", 1984, 124, 43-45, ed. J.Mironneau, Paris.
MOLLARD P., MIRONNEAU J., AMEDEE T. & MIRONNEAU C. Electrophysiological characterization of single pregnant rat myometrial cells in short-term primary culture. Am. J. Physiol., 1986, 250, C47-C54.
AMEDEE T., MIRONNEAU C. & MIRONNEAU J. Isolation and contractile responses of single pregnant rat myometrial cells in short-term primary culture and the effects of pharmacological and electrical stimuli. Br. J . Pharmac., 1986, 88, 873-880.
AMEDEE T., RENAUD J.F., JMARI K., LOMBET A., MIRONNEAU J. & LAZDUNSKI M. The presence of Na+ channels in myometrial smooth muscle cells is revealed by specific neurotoxins. B. B. R. C., 1986, 137, 675-681.
AMEDEE T., MIRONNEAU C. & MIRONNEAU J. The calcium channel current of single pregnant rat myometrial cells in short-term primary culture. J. Physiol. London., 1987, 392, 253-272.
HOLLINGSWORTH M., AMEDEE T., EDWARDS D., MIRONNEAU J., SAVINEAU J.P., SMALL R.C. & WESTON A.H. The relaxant action of BRL 34915 in rat uterus. Br. J. Pharmac., 1987, 91, 803-813.
HONORE E., AMEDEE T., MARTIN C., DACQUET C., MIRONNEAU C., & MIRONNEAU J. Calcium channel current and its sensitivity to (+) isradipine, in cultured pregnant rat myometrial cells: an electrophysiological and a binding study. Pflügers Arch., 1989, 414, 477-483.
MARTHAN R., MARTIN C., AMEDEE T. & MIRONNEAU J. Calcium channels currents in isolated smooth muscle cells from human bronchus. J. Appl. Physiol., 1989, 66, 1706-1714.
AMEDEE T. & LARGE W.A. Micro-electrode study on the ionic mechanisms which contribute to the noradrenaline-induced depolarization in isolated cells of the rabbit portal vein. Br. J. Pharm., 1989, 97, 1331-1337.
AMEDEE T. & LARGE W.A. Ionic mechanisms which contribute to the noradrenaline induced depolarization in isolated cells of the rabbit portal vein. J. Physiol. London, 1989, 415, 80P.
AMEDEE T., BENHAM C.D., BOLTON T.B., BYRNE N.G. & LARGE W.A. Potassium, chloride and non-selective cation conductances opened by noradrenaline in rabbit artery cells. J. Physiol. London, 1990, 423, 551-568.
AMEDEE T., LARGE W.A. & WANG Q. Noradrenaline - evoked membrane currents recorded with the nystatin whole - cell method in freshly dispersed rabbit ear artery cells. J. Physiol. London, 1990, 426, 71P.
AMEDEE T., LARGE W.A. & WANG Q. Characteristics of chloride currents activated by noradrenaline in rabbit ear artery cells. J. Physiol. London, 1990, 428, 501-516.
AMEDEE T., ELLIE E., DUPOUY B. & VINCENT J.D. Voltage-dependent calcium and potassium channels in Schwann cells cultured from dorsal root ganglia of the mouse. J.Physiol. London, 1991, 441, 35-56.
AMEDEE T., DUPOUY B., ELLIE E. & VINCENT J.D. Voltage-dependent calcium and potassium channels in mouse Schwann cells. J.Physiol. London, 1992, 446, 170P.
AMEDEE T. & DESPEYROUX S. ATP-activated conductances in mouse Schwann cells in organotypic cultures. J.Physiol.London, 1993, 467, 89P.
DESPEYROUX S. & AMEDEE T. Voltage-dependent potassium currents in mouse Schwann cells are modulated by axon-Schwann interaction. J.Physiol. London, 1994, 475, 145P.
VINOGRADOVA I.M., PHILIPPI M. & AMEDEE T. ATP activates a membrane current in frog (Rana pipiens) Schwann cells. J.Physiol.London , 1994, 480, 35P.
DESPEYROUX S., AMEDEE T. & COLES J.A. Axon contact is associated with modified expression of functional potassium channels in mouse Schwann cells. Proc.R.Soc.London B. 1994, 258, 255-260.
AMEDEE T. & DESPEYROUX S. ATP activates cationic and anionic conductances in Schwann cells cultured from dorsal root ganglia of the mouse. Proc.R.Soc.London B. 1995, 259, 277-284.
BEAUDU C., DESPEYROUX S. & AMEDEE T. 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP has opposite long term effects on potassium and calcium channels currents in cultured mouse Schwann cells. J.Physiol.London , 1996, 494P, 53P.
DESPEYROUX S., BEAUDU-LANGE C., COLES J.A. & AMEDEE T. Selective down-regulation of an inactivating K+ conductance by analogues of cAMP in mouse Schwann cells. J.Physiol.London , 1997, 499.3, 655-660.
AMEDEE T., ROBERT A. & COLES J.A. Potassium homeostasis and glial energy metabolism. Glia, 1997, 21, 46-55.
BEAUDU-LANGE C., DESPEYROUX S., MARCAGGI P., COLES J.A. & AMEDEE T. Functionnal Ca and Na channels on mouse Schwann cells cultured in serum-free medium: regulation by a diffusible factor from neurons and cAMP. Eur. J. Neurosci., 1998, 10, 1796-1809.
BEAUDU-LANGE C., COLOMAR A., ISRAEL J.M., COLES J.A. & AMEDEE T. Spontaneous neuronal activity of mouse dorsal root ganglia up-regulates calcium channel expression on neighbouring Schwann cells. J.Physiol.London , 1999, 518P, 148P.
BEAUDU-LANGE C., COLOMAR A., ISRAEL J.M., COLES J.A. & AMEDEE T. Spontaneous neuronal activity in organotypic cultures of mouse dorsal root ganglia leads to up-regulation of calcium channel expression on remote Schwann cells. Glia, 2000, 29, 281-287.
AMEDEE T., COLOMAR A. & COLES J.A. ATP signalling in Schwann cells. In Neuroglia in the Aging Brain ed. De Vellis J., humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA.
COLOMAR A. & AMEDEE T. Cultured mouse Schwann cells express a functional nucleotide receptor of the P2X7 subtype. Glia
Sociétés savantes
Membre de la Société Française des Neurosciences
Secrétaire adjoint du bureau du Club des Cellules Gliales
Membre de la Physiological Society, Londres, Angleterre
