Juneja, Monica (1955-....)

Date de naissance
Langues d'expression
Professeur à l'Université d'Heidelberg. Editrice du Medieval History Journal, Sage Publications, Los Angeles / London / Delhi (en 2009)

Monica Juneja holds the Chair of Global Art History at the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”, University of Heidelberg. She has been Professor at the University of Delhi, held visiting professorial positions at the Universities of Hannover, Vienna, the Emory University, Atlanta and the University of Zurich. She is presently Resident Scholar at the Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles. Previous awards include fellowships of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Volkswagen Foundation.
Monica Juneja’s research and writing focus on transculturality and visual representation, disciplinary practices in the art history of Western Europe and South Asia, gender and political iconography, Christianisation and religious identities in early modern South Asia.

Her publications include Peindre le paysan. L’image rurale dans la peinture française de Millet à Van Gogh (1998), Architecture in medieval India. Forms, Contexts, Histories (Reader South Asia. Histories and Interpretations, 2001), The lives of objects in pre-modern societies (2006 edited with G. Signori), BildGeschichten. Das Verhältnis von Bild und Text in den Berichten zu auβereuropäischen Welten (2008, with B. Potthast), Religion und Grenzen in Indien und Deutschland: Auf dem Weg zu einer transnationalen Historiographie (edited with M. Pernau, 2009) and most recently: Global Art History and the “Burden of Representation” in Hans Belting et al. (eds.), Global Studies. Mapping Contemporary Art and Culture (2011); Universalität in der Kunstgeschichte? Theme Issue Kritische Berichte (2012, with Matthias Bruhn and Elke A. Werner); Contextualizing Choices: Islamicate Elements in European Arts, Theme Issue The Medieval History Journal (2012, with Vera Beyer and Isabelle Dolezalek); Disaster as Image. Iconographies and Media Strategies across Asia and Europe (2014, edited with Gerrit Jasper Schenk). Her book in preparation is entitled Can Art History be made Global? A Discipline in Transition, which is based on the Heinrich Wölfflin Lectures which Monica Juneja recently delivered at the University of Zurich (Feb-May 2014).

Monica Juneja edits the Series Visual and Media Histories (Routledge), is theme editor of the Encyclopedia of Asian Design (Berg), on the editorial board of Visual History of Islamic Cultures (De Gruyter), Ding, Materialität, Geschichte (Böhlau), History of Humanities (University of Chicago Press) and co-editor of Transcultural Studies. She has recently co-curated the exhibition Mensch. Natur. Katastrophe. Atlantis bis heute, Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim 2014-15.


Intervention de Monica Juneja / Intervention de Morad Montazami

Intervention de Monica Juneja / Intervention de Morad Montazami


Que se passe-t-il quand les images viennent au monde ? Comment une imago mundi peut surgir pour nous aujourd’hui, alors que les liens spatio-temporels du vivre ensemble ont volé en éclats au seul