Renard, Vincent (19..-.... ; médecin)
Directeur d'une thèse d'exercice de médecine à l'Université Paris-Est Créteil (en 2005)
Vincent Renard is a senior researcher at the laboratory of econometrics of the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris. As a land economist, he is doing research in land and real estate economics, and the economics of urban development. He is also teaching at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris, the University Paris I- Panthéon-Sorbonne and the ‘Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées’, and has been lecturing in several other countries, in the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, the United States, and also in some countries of South America, mostly Chile and Colombia.
His main research and writing interests have spanned land policy, the economics of land planning, land property taxation and more broadly the economic tools of urban policy, with a special interest in the economic analysis of law. He has been working as a consultant for various organisations, OECD, the World Bank, CEPAL, the European Union, and also national and local governments in France and abroad. His work outside Europe is mostly focused on one side on land and housing policy in some latin american countries, and on the other side in ‘transition’ countries, mainly Russia, Ucraina and China (EU asiaurbs program), with special attention to the question of the creation of a cadastre, the development of the right of property and land markets. He has been invited professor at the University of Tokyo (Todaï), and invited searcher at the KRIHS in Seoul (Korean Research Institute on Human Settlements).
Vincent Renard is an active member of several academic institutions and editorial boards in France, Spain (Ciudad y Territorio) and Great Britain, (Journal of Property Research). He is a member of the board of ULI France (Urban Land Institute).
> Voir son website
3èmes États Généraux de la Formation et de la Recherche Médicales - Stages ambulatoires
Titre : 3èmes États Généraux de la Formation et de la Recherche Médicales - Stages ambulatoires Intervenant(e)(s) : Vincent Renard J1 – JEUDI 3 DÉCEMBRE 2015 - AMPHI GUTENBERG ATELIERS FORMATION
Formation Médicale 2011 – Maison de santé et label Universitaire.
Titre : Formation Médicale 2011 – Quelles sont les conditions nécessaires et suffisantes pour qu’une maison de santé puisse obtenir le label Universitaire ?Intervenants : Claude ATTALI (Paris),
Implementing "Mixité". Discourses and experiences of politicians and stakeholders: Round Table [VF]
Implementing "Mixité" : discourses and experiences of politicians and other stakeholders. Round Table [version en anglais avec deux interventions traduites en français en simultané].
Implementing "Mixité". Discourses and experiences of politicians and stakeholders: Round Table [VO]
Implementing "Mixité" : discourses and experiences of politicians and other stakeholders. Round Table [version originale en anglais]
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