Zeren, Baris (1978-....)

Date de naissance
Langues d'expression
Auteur d'une thèse en Histoire et civilisations à Paris, EHESS en 2017

Barış Zeren is an independent researcher and associate member of CETOBAC, EHESS. He received his PhD in 2017 from Boğaziçi University and EHESS in which he studied the socio-political and judicial crisis of transition to the constitutional regime in the Ottoman Empire. He gave courses in Ottoman, Republican Turkey, and Russian history at Işık University and Boğaziçi University. His current research agenda includes the role of trans-imperial and underground networks in the development of the culture of constitutionalism within the period of 1848-1914 with a particular interest in Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

Disciplines liées à ses interventions


IFEA Histoire 2020-2021 The Ottoman constitutional rule and Evolution of the Law on Brigandage (Çeteler Kanunu): The Jovanovich Murder Case

IFEA Histoire 2020-2021 The Ottoman constitutional rule and Evolution of the Law on Brigandage (Çet…


In December 1909, Ottoman police patrols in Bitola discovered the body of a certain Jovanovich who had been stabbed to death. Local Ottoman authorities launched a wave of operations in the town that