F. Polizzi - Classification of surfaces via Mori theory (Part 1)
We give a summary of the Minimal Model Program (namely, Mori Theory) in the case of surfaces.
F. Polizzi - Classification of surfaces via Mori theory (Part 2)
We give a summary of the Minimal Model Program (namely, Mori Theory) in the case of surfaces.
F. Polizzi - Classification of surfaces via Mori theory (Part 3)
We give a summary of the Minimal Model Program (namely, Mori Theory) in the case of surfaces.
F. Polizzi - Classification of surfaces via Mori theory (Part 4)
We give a summary of the Minimal Model Program (namely, Mori Theory) in the case of surfaces.
14. Le châtaignier, pays et terroirs européens Espagne, terre de châtaigniers
L'Espagne, depuis l'époque romaine, a connu un développement de sa castanéiculture proche du modèle français. Aujourd'hui, sa production est supérieure à la production française en termes de volumes.
15. Le châtaignier, pays et terroirs européens Portugal, les enjeux de la castanéiculture moderne
Le châtaignier et son fruit, la châtaigne, représentent une culture de grande importance dans l'économie portugaise. Le Portugal prétend augmenter ses aires de plantation du châtaignier à l'horizon
19. Refcast : l'Association portugaise de la châtaigne
A travers cet entretien filmé, le professeur José Gomes-Laranjo nous explique le projet RefCast, qui est la contraction, en portugais, de Reforço e Castanha (Renfort et Châtaigne). Cette idée de
Feng Luo - Discrete conformal geometry of polyhedral surfaces and its convergence
Our recent joint work with D. Gu established a discrete version of the uniformization theorem for compact polyhedral surfaces. In this talk, we prove that discrete uniformizaton maps converge to
Juan Souto - Counting curves on surfaces
An old theorem of Huber asserts that the number of closed geodesics of length at most L on a hyperbolic surface is asymptotic to $\frac{e^L}L$. However, things are less clear if one either fixes the
Daniel Ketover - Sharp entropy bounds of closed surfaces and min-max theory
In 2012, Colding-Ilmanen-Minicozzi-White conjectured that the entropy of any closed surface in R^3 is at least that of the self-shrinking two-sphere. I will explain joint work with X. Zhou where we
E. Floris - Birational geometry of foliations on surfaces (Part 1)
The goal of this minicourse is to introduce MMP for foliations on surfaces and to outline the classification of foliations on projective surfaces up to birational equivalence.