Langue :
Jan Muś (Intervention)
Conditions d'utilisation
Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle
DOI : 10.60527/7ems-yj95
Citer cette ressource :
Jan Muś. IFEA-GD. (2014, 8 janvier). Two dimensions of soft-power politics: Turkish involvement in the Balkans , in Beyond soft power: The stakes and configurations of the influence of contemporary Turkey in the world. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 20 septembre 2024)

Two dimensions of soft-power politics: Turkish involvement in the Balkans

Réalisation : 8 janvier 2014 - Mise en ligne : 20 octobre 2014
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1st PANEL :   Private actors producing and receiving Turkish soft power : relationships to the Turkish state

Présentation 2.

Jan MUŚ (Center for Eastern Studies - Catholic University of Lublin - Warsaw School of Social Science and Humanities), “Two dimensions of soft-power politics: Turkish involvement in the Balkans”

The aim of this article is to propose a division of the core concept of soft-power into two segments. The Turkish engagement in the Balkans should serve as the case study base. Whereas public polls clearly indicate that Turkish culture, values, etc., although popular and interesting for Balkan observers, have rather limited impact on the society in political terms, relative success, strong position and the style of the state governance by prime minister Erdoğan, leave, doubtlessly good impression in the South-East European capitals. Therefore, the Balkan-Turkish relations will serve as an excuse to divide concept of soft power into two following parts: one of them based on genuine social and cultural links between societies (including their leaders) through ideology, culture, media, education, etc.. It can be called “low soft power”. The second one is exercised by means of political domestic and international position (or image) and subsequent influence of the political leaders, measured by their ability to shape political agenda of other states. This one can be called: “high soft power”.


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