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Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail SCPAM (Publication), Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail (Production), Nathalie MICHAUD (Réalisation), Darinka Czischke (Intervention)
Conditions d'utilisation
Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle
DOI : 10.60527/gyt6-a969
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Darinka Czischke. UT2J. (2011, 7 juillet). Social enterprise and hybridity in housing organisations in Europe [VO] / Darinka Czischke , in Mixité : an urban and housing issue ?. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 21 septembre 2024)

Social enterprise and hybridity in housing organisations in Europe [VO] / Darinka Czischke

Réalisation : 7 juillet 2011 - Mise en ligne : 9 octobre 2011
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Social enterprise and hybridity in housing organisations in Europe [version anglaise] / Darinka Czischke. In "Mixité : an urban and housing issue? Mixing people, housing and activities as urban challenge of the future", 23ème colloque international de l'European Network for Housing Research (ENHR), organisé par le Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Solidarités, Sociétés, Territoires (LISST) à l'Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail, 5-8 juillet 2011. Plénière 2: International perspectives on social enterprise and hybridity in housing organisations, 7 juillet 2011.

This plenary presentation is based on a critical conceptual review of existing models of social enterprise in Europe undertaken for Housing Studies. A classification system for social enterprise was developed to reflect the specific features of the social housing sector as framework for research. Drawing on cases studies in the Netherlands and England using the above framework this presentation goes on to explore the impact of recent policy and economic change on the positioning of housing organisations between the state, market and community. In the face of policies that both stress and/or question the role of third sector actors in social and affordable housing delivery, the presentation will discuss the ways in which these actors are responding to current financial and regulatory challenges. Finally it will raise the question of whether social enterprise should be restricted or promoted in the current economic and policy context.


- Managing Social Rental Housing in the EU: A Comparative Study. Darinka Czischke. International Journal of Housing Policy n°2, vol. 9, 2009, pp. 121-151.

- Welfare Transformation and Demographic Change in Europe: Challenges for the Social Housing Sector. Darinka Czischke (ed). Coalville (Leicestershire, England) : Building and Social Housing Foundation (BSHF) - CECODHAS European Social Housing Observatory, 2008,81 p. [en ligne sur le site de la BSHF].

- Social Enterprise in Europe: Recent Trends and Developments. Jacques Defourny, Marthe Nyssens et al. Social Enterprise Journal n°3, vol. 4, 2008, pp. 202-228.

- Managing social rental housing in the EU in a changing policy environment: towards a comparative study. Darinka Czischke, Vincent Gruis. In Comparative Housing Policy, workshop in Dublin [ENHR 2008], 20-21 April 2007, 33 p. [en ligne sur le site de l'University of York].

- Current developments in housing policies and housing markets in Europe: implications for the social housing sector. Darinka Czischke (ed). Colloquium proceedings, Brussels 13 septembre 2006. Brussels: CECODHAS European Social Housing Observatory, april 2007, 83 p. [En ligne sur le site de la Building and Social Housing Foundation].

- L’actualité de l’économie sociale : des repères historiques, conceptuels et prospectifs. Jacques Defourny. Revue Interventions économiques n°32, 2005. [En ligne sur le site].

- De waarde van de maatschappelijke onderneming geborgd. Netwerk Toekomst Maatschappelijke Onderneming (NTMO), janvier 2003, 65 p. [En ligne sur le site].


> Voir aussi la bibliographie générale dans l'onglet "A télécharger" de la séquence d'ouverture du colloque.

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