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DOI : 10.60527/a04y-c570
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Agreenium. (2021, 20 avril). The levers of change towards the bioeconomy (Thomas Vogelpohl, FernUniversität in Hagen) , in Les enjeux de la bioéconomie . [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 20 septembre 2024)

The levers of change towards the bioeconomy (Thomas Vogelpohl, FernUniversität in Hagen)

Réalisation : 20 avril 2021 - Mise en ligne : 19 juillet 2021
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Eventhough the concept of the bioeconomy has risen to great popularity lately, itis still highly contentious what the bioeconomy actually is or should be.European bioeconomy policy is very reflective of this. Despite two dedicatedbioeconomy strategies, it appears to be highly fragmented and heterogeneouswhen it comes to concrete political processes and measures. Rather, theoverarching pattern of European bioeconomy policy is shaped by the interplay ofspecific problem structures, institutional frameworks and actor constellationsin its policy sub-areas. The fragmented institutional and regulatory landscapeparticularly hinders the establishment of a consistent bioeconomy policy inEurope, as does the wickedness of its underlying problems and the ambiguity andinconsistency of its overarching goals. As a result, European bioeconomy policyto date rather serves as a conceptual umbrella for a number of already existingpolicies and actors’ interests.

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