2. Une nature ou des natures ? Introduction à l'anthropologie de l'environnement et à l'ethnoécologie
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Serge Bahuchet montre que la nature fait l'objet de différents regards et perceptions. Il retrace les grands courants scientifiques qui se sont intéressés à cela (anthropologie de la nature, ethnoécologie, etc.) et présente les principaux chercheurs s'étant penchés sur ces questions : Max Sorre, Philippe Descola, ou encore Claude Lévi-Strauss.
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EN-1. Ways of life and biodiversity
BahuchetSergeSerge Bahuchet comes back to some crucial uses of the environment by the human populations: hunting, harvestinf, farming and agriculture. He evidences the complementarity of those uses, the
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BahuchetSergeSerge Bahuchet explains that the nature is the subject of different views and perceptions. He recounts the main scientific currents which were interested in this (nature anthropology, ethnoecology,...
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6. Anthropologie maritime, une introduction
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Avec les mêmes intervenants et intervenantes
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EN-1. Ways of life and biodiversity
BahuchetSergeSerge Bahuchet comes back to some crucial uses of the environment by the human populations: hunting, harvestinf, farming and agriculture. He evidences the complementarity of those uses, the
EN-2. One single type of nature or several different types: the diversity of vision for nature.
BahuchetSergeSerge Bahuchet explains that the nature is the subject of different views and perceptions. He recounts the main scientific currents which were interested in this (nature anthropology, ethnoecology,...
1. Modes de vie et biodiversité
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