The Economics of the Climate/Development of the Gordian Knot; Beyond a Sound Pessimism
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We will first suggest that costs of meeting ambitious climate targets capable to stabilize global warming below 2°C or 3°C temperature increase have been underestimated so far. The first reason is the underestimation of baseline emission scenarios, the second is the magnitude of transition costs towards a low carbon development profile in emerging economies. Second we will show that this pessimistic diagnosis does not lead to inaction but to a reframing of discussions on future international coordination of climate action. We will insist on the necessity of complementing the conventional approaches relying on the emergence of a world carbon price by a serious consideration of main drivers of the development dynamics at work, including urban planning, infrastructure policies, rural development, trade policies and reforms of international funding. Third we will show the necessity find30 ing innovative tools for an early redirection of international aid and capital flows towards energy, transportation and building infrastructures in emerging economies.
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