ESS Topline results presentation - Social Inequalities in Health - TERJE ANDREAS EIKEMO
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JACQUES DUBUCS, Chair of the Societal and CulturalInnovation Strategic Working Group at ESFRI, and Head of the Department ofSocial Sciences and Humanities, French Ministry of Research
Introductionto the ESS and its methodology ; presentation of Topline results of ESS round 7Rotating modules « Social inequalities in Health »
3.10pm - RORY FIZGERALD, Director of the ESS and Senior ResearchFellow, City University London
3.25pm - TERJE ANDREAS EIKEMO, Scientific team of the ESS health moduleand Professor of sociology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
How SHARE survey data canenlighten the issue of Health inequalities
FLORENCE JUSOT, Member of the French SHARE Team and Professor ofeconomics, Paris-Dauphine University
Discussionof the presented results and round table on health inequalities. A focus willbe made on the use of European survey data in health policy decision (including25 minutes for questions)
THIERRY LANG, Chairman of the working group on Inequalities in Health of theHigh Council for Public Health, and Epidemiologist, Paul Sabatier University -Toulouse III
ALAIN FONTAINE, Head of the strategy and research programme, FrenchMinistry of Health
MARIA VAALAVUO, Socio-Economic Analyst, Directorate- General forEmployment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
CAROLE PORNET, public health Physician, Health prevention department, NormandyRegional Health Agency
Roundtable wrap-up and conclusion of the afternoon
PascalBuléon, PROGEDO large infrastructure Director
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ESS Topline results presentation - Social Inequalities in Health - QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC - T. E…
3PM TO 3.10PM OPENING SPEECH JACQUES DUBUCS, Chair of the Societal and Cultural Innovation Strategic Working Group at ESFRI, and Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, French
ESS Topline results presentation - Social Inequalities in Health - RORY FITZGERALD
3PM TO 3.10PM OPENING SPEECH JACQUES DUBUCS, Chair of the Societal and Cultural Innovation Strategic Working Group at ESFRI, and Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, French
ESS Topline results presentation - Social Inequalities in Health - ROUND TABLE
3PM TO 3.10PM OPENING SPEECH JACQUES DUBUCS, Chair of the Societal and Cultural Innovation Strategic Working Group at ESFRI, and Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, French
ESS Topline results presentation - Social Inequalities in Health - INTRODUCTION
3PM TO 3.10PM OPENING SPEECH JACQUES DUBUCS, Chair of the Societal and Cultural Innovation Strategic Working Group at ESFRI, and Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, French
ESS Topline results presentation - Social Inequalities in Health - FLORENCE JUSOT
3PM TO 3.10PM OPENING SPEECH JACQUES DUBUCS, Chair of the Societal and Cultural Innovation Strategic Working Group at ESFRI, and Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities,
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3PM TO 3.10PM OPENING SPEECH JACQUES DUBUCS, Chair of the Societal and Cultural Innovation Strategic Working Group at ESFRI, and Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, French
ESS Topline results presentation - Social Inequalities in Health - FLORENCE JUSOT
3PM TO 3.10PM OPENING SPEECH JACQUES DUBUCS, Chair of the Societal and Cultural Innovation Strategic Working Group at ESFRI, and Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities,
ESS Topline results presentation - Social Inequalities in Health - INTRODUCTION
3PM TO 3.10PM OPENING SPEECH JACQUES DUBUCS, Chair of the Societal and Cultural Innovation Strategic Working Group at ESFRI, and Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, French