Olijhoek, Tom (19..-....)
Tom has a PhD in molecular microbiology and spent several years in Africa doing research on malaria, sleeping sickness and meningococcal epidemics. He has been actively advocating open access and open science since 2012 when he joined the Open Knowledge community and became a member of the DOAJ advisory board. His current research interests are development of quality systems for the assessment of scholarly journals and articles, and research in the area of soil microbiology in relation to soil health and human health.
L'exemple du référencement dans le DOAJ
Présentation du Directory of Open Access Journals lors de la journée d'étude "Visibilité des revues scientifiques françaises" le 14 novembre 2023 à Sciences Po Lyon.
Référencer sa revue dans le DOAJ
Webinaire organisé dans le cadre du projet FNSO Mir@bel2022